Stomach cancer is the fifth most common cancer in the world, but how much do you know about its causes? Here's what you need to know about its risk factors.
Just shy of 13% of men are estimated to be diagnosed with prostate cancer during their life, but how deadly is it if you have it? We'll examine the statistics.
The realities of living with something like stomach cancer can seem unfathomable. Here's how the disease can impact both your physical and mental health.
According to statistics, stomach cancer is among the most lethal variations of the disease. Thus, it's important to be familiar with its less obvious symptoms.
If you're stuck sitting on the toilet, time can feel like it's standing still. However, if you add this ingredient to your bath, it may help you poop instantly.
When it comes to protein-rich drinks, many think regular milk is the king. But if you're lactose intolerant, you're in luck; there's another option for you.
Prostate cancer is one of the most common types of cancer, next to skin. But it's not always easy to diagnose as there are some sneaky symptoms to look out for.
Death is an interesting thing that's left many of us with questions such as, can we die standing? It turns out, we can, and this is what makes it possible.
Having an enlarged prostate is quite common as men grow older. Here's what it means is you are diagnosed with this condition and what you can do about it.
There's a reason why many people like to nap: it's a refreshing escape from the fast pace of life. But surprisingly, napping can also affect your heart health.
We typically associate drinking a glass of milk with improved bone health. But as it turns out, there's an ingredient you can add to water for stronger bones.
Being in a difficult marriage can cause anyone mental and emotional anguish. But can the challenges of an unhappy union also have an impact on physical health?
Normally, a cough isn't that concerning; after all, it's a common illness. But can there actually be instances when a cough indicates a serious heart problem?
When we think of cardio, running is typically the first activity that comes to mind. But there's another exercise that can help you burn just as many calories.
It's perfectly normal to ponder the different ways in which death affects the body. Unsurprisingly, it also affects the bowels of a newly deceased person.
Death is an inescapable life event that we sadly cannot predict or anticipate. There is, however, a type of unexpected injury that can hint at its arrival.
There are a myriad of things that can effect sexual health, both for men and women. It turns out, frequently taking ibuprofen can cause men to develop ED.
Some people believe that the best way to lose weight is to simply avoid eating, even when hungry. But can this actually do your diet more harm than good?
Sometimes, when you're about to cry, you may suddenly feel a lump forming in your throat that may affect your breathing. But what causes this to happen?
Given its availability, versatility, and taste, it is very easy to make chicken a regular part of your diet. But how exactly does this affect your gut health?
When it comes to sandwich spreads, peanut butter is perhaps the top choice for most if you want to get more protein. But there's another spread that matches it.
When people are nearing the end of their lives, their bodies may exhibit certain signs that the inevitable is coming. These aren't always easy to spot, though.
As far as psychoactive drugs go, you can do a lot worse than psilocybin mushrooms in terms of safety. Still, using them can produce some strange side effects.