Have you wondered if you could amp up your calorie burn even more while running? You can burn twice as many calories by incorporating this into your routine.
The decision to stop having sex on a regular basis can have repercussions on a person's health. Interestingly, this can have an impact on their muscles, too.
Incorporating peanut butter into your everyday diet can have a slew of health benefits. As it turns out, doing so may also affect your risk of certain diseases.
Rexulti was developed as a medication for schizophrenia and depression. However, it has recently been approved for treating another mood-related ailment.
Having a fear of needles is nothing to be embarrassed about, as it's a common predicament. But there are ways you can fight it during your next doctor's visit.
Peanut butter has several health benefits, including helping you feel full for longer. It can also help reduce your risk for developing this common disease.
The sweet and slightly tart flavor of pineapple is irresistible to most. There's also a nutrient in this fruit that can influence your blood cholesterol.
As it turns out, there are a lot of strange things that can happen to men during sex. Knowing about these experiences beforehand can make them less shocking.
Marijuana enjoyers turn to cannabis use for a variety of reasons, including pain relief. But research has revealed how daily use can affect your muscles.
Tiger Woods' 2024 season got off to a rough start this week when he began experiencing back spasms on the golf course. He pushed on through, but was it safe?
It might seem like a healthy choice to decide to lose a few pounds, however, that weight loss might raise your cholesterol. But don't worry, it's not forever.
While health is a big factor when it comes to our diet, brain health rarely gets considered. An expert shares three eating habits that are bad for brain health.
A method of maintaining good mental health sprinkled with a dash of physical fitness, the "hot girl walk" has been making the rounds on TikTok. So, we tried it.
Curious fans have been googling a medical term known as "moon face" after Amy Schumer appeared as a featured guest on Jimmy Fallon's "The Tonight Show."
For some, going on and off a diet may seem to be the most feasible way to lose weight. But as it turns out, yo-yo dieting can be detrimental to your lean mass.
It's not unheard of to feel back pain every now and then, especially as people grow older. But when does it start becoming a hint of a more serious problem?
Diseases like plaque psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis, and Crohn's disease can severely affect the quality of one's life. Skyrizi is a drug for these conditions.
Have you ever wondered whether liquid breathing is possible? It turns out scientists have asking this question for awhile. Here's what the future could hold.
The foods we include and exclude from our diets greatly influence our health. If you skip this rich protein source, your risk of early death may increase.
Trulicity is a drug that helps patients manage their type 2 diabetes. There are things you should know before taking it. Luckily a commercial explains it all.
After "The Bachelor" contestant Lexi Young opened up about her stage 5 endometriosis, there's been a newfound interest in the disease. Here's what to know.
The Nurtec ODT commercial featuring Khloe Kardashian may have caught your eye. What exactly is Nurtec ODT, how does it work, and what are its side effects?