Are you trying to strengthen your chest muscles? The good news is that you don't need to do fancy exercises. Here are a few simple moves to add to your workout.
There's a good chance that lower ab exercises are part of your fitness routine. However, in trying to achieve that six-pack, be sure not to make this mistake.
Some people prefer walking over biking; others would rather do the latter than the former. But in terms of burning calories, which option is truly superior?
It's easy to forget that exercise can be enjoyable or even a form of self-care. Cozy cardio is a trend that aims to change that. Here's how to get started.
MyoStorm made a splash in its Shark Tank debut -- and pre-orders piled up on their site. But where is the company now, and how did they fare after the show?
Craving something sweet at the gym? If you're reaching for a chocolate bar, you may want to think twice. Here's why chocolate isn't the best pre-workout choice?
Your gym teacher probably rammed this idea into your head: Don't forget to stretch! However, there are two exercises where it won't help prevent injury.
Exercise has many benefits, like managing your weight and improving mental health. Now, a study says one particular type of exercise is also good for your skin.
A workout is one of the best ways to release endorphins. But if you ever experience a post-workout crash, you might want to look at one of these common causes.
Water is always an optimal choice for hydrating after a workout, but these are some of the best post-workout drinks that aren't water. Some might surprise you.
It takes some serious effort to stand in place for any amount of time -- but walking doesn't feel nearly as challenging. Here's how to make it feel easier.
PMS (premenstrual syndrome) is no joke, and we're here to help you deal with it. Here are 14 easy stretches that can help bring relief from menstrual pain.
Are you an avid runner? Your diet has a huge impact on your performance. Here are 5 of the best and 5 of the worst foods you can eat for training and recovery.
Are you worried about how to stop yourself from overeating? Good news: recent research suggests that a certain kind of workout can help you accomplish that.
Have you ever noticed that physical activity tends to get you "moving" in more ways than one? Here's how your workout routine could be impacting your poop.
Downward dog requires a little bit of strength in your upper body because you're pushing your torso away from the mat using your arms, shoulders, and back.
Despite being a restful and restorative pose, child's pose isn't suitable for every body. Here's how to know when to skip it - and what you can do instead.
Triangle pose, or trikonasana in Sanskrit, is a fundamental yoga posture found in all levels of practice. Here's why it's so good for you and how to do it.