If the thought of spending your time at the gym on a StairMaster makes you yawn from boredom, try some of these moves to jazz up your StairMaster workout.
Golf may not have the biggest following, but it's quite a dynamic activity. Often seen as a leisure sport, there's more to it than the simplicity it offers.
While gym class is a great start to fitness education, it can also leave students with a limited understanding of stretching as well as how to stretch properly.
Martial arts classes can burn up to 1,000 calories per hour, plus the disciplines also improve flexibility, strength, stamina, concentration, and confidence.
If you've participated in a Peloton class led by instructor Jess Sims, you've witnessed confidence in action. Here's what else you should know about her.
From athletes to gym enthusiasts, many people rely on protein powder to help them achieve their fitness goals. Here are some ingredients you should avoid.
Focus on form, engaging your coare, and not pushing yourself beyond your limits to avoid common issues facing those using exercise balls in their workouts.
If you've been thinking about training for an ultramarathon, then kudos to you for taking on such an ultimate personal goal. So what is an ultramarathon?
Some workouts are definitely better than others when it comes to calorie burn. Read on to learn about some of the best calorie-burners to squeeze in each week.
Pre-workout supplements can help you feel more energized before and during your workouts. While they are generally safe to use, it can be easy to go overboard.
Try reflex training. The benefits extend far beyond the big game or a sparring match, to make you a better driver and avoid injury from everyday stumbles.
Most treadmills allow you to monitor your calories burned. But is that calorie counter (that we all watch slowly creep up during our workouts) even accurate?