Avoid Eating Eggs If This Is Happening To Your Body

The versatility of eggs can't be beat. It's hard to find any food with as many nutrients as eggs that can serve as a main dish at all three meals or bind other foods in cooking and baking. Eggs are considered a complete protein, which means you'll be getting all nine essential amino acids to repair tissues and absorb nutrients. A single egg is a great source of B vitamins, iron, zinc, and selenium, and eggs are one of the top food sources for choline to support your brain function.

Because eggs have a lot of cholesterol, people have avoided eggs for fear of high cholesterol. The American Heart Association says most people can enjoy eating an egg every day because cholesterol in your food doesn't automatically translate to cholesterol in your blood (saturated fat is the bigger culprit). However, you might need to avoid eating eggs for a different reason — constipation. The National Institute on Aging says you could develop constipation if you eat a lot of eggs and other animal-based foods without enough fiber.

Eggs don't help constipation

It's not that eggs are the culprit for constipation, but eating too many eggs without other foods could contribute to constipation. The protein in eggs can help you feel full, so you might not want to eat other foods, especially if you're trying to lose weight. Consider your first attempt at a high-protein, low-carb diet. You loved the quick weight loss, but your body didn't like the lack of fiber that carbs provide. Soluble fiber and insoluble fiber work together to stimulate your gut, add bulk to your stool, and make it easier to pass.

Even if you eat eggs with other foods, those food pairings could cause constipation. For example, an egg or two with two slices of white bread or a sweet muffin won't get things moving very well in your gut. Refined grains rather than whole grains rob you of the fiber you need every day. Eating eggs with salty processed meats like sausage can pull moisture from your colon to handle the excess sodium.

Foods to pair with eggs to alleviate constipation

You don't have to avoid eggs completely if you have constipation. Instead, take a look at what you're eating throughout the day, paying close attention to how much fiber you're getting. Eggs at each meal won't provide you with fiber, but other foods will help relieve constipation. If you like an omelet with gooey cheese, add a cup of chopped broccoli for 2.4 grams of fiber. Add a slice of multigrain bread for another 2 grams of fiber or a cup of berries for 3 grams of fiber.

Remember that one food doesn't cause constipation; instead, look at your diet as a whole. Even if you get enough fiber in your diet, certain medications, a lack of exercise, and avoiding your hydration needs can cause constipation. You might even notice a bout of constipation if you're traveling. Constipation is often common in older adults, especially if they have medical conditions such as diabetes or Parkinson's disease. If a healthy diet, adequate fluid intake, and physical activity don't alleviate constipation, your doctor could recommend a plan to treat your condition.