How Fast Does Adderall Leave Your System?

Adderall is a prescription medication containing amphetamine and dextroamphetamine as the main two active ingredients. This combination functions as a stimulant, and affects chemicals in the brain and nerves that play a role in hyperactivity and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), per Medline Plus.

Immediate-release Adderall is taken orally as a tablet, and its effects typically last 4 to 6 hours, says the American Addiction Centers. The medication works by increasing the levels of neurotransmitters such as dopamine in the brain, which can help reduce impulsiveness and hyperactivity in people with ADHD and can also help people with narcolepsy, explains Healthline.

Adderall is considered a controlled substance due to its potential for misuse and dependence. As a result, it is only available by prescription, and its use is closely monitored, explains Healthline. It is important to only take Adderall as prescribed by a doctor and to not share the medication with others. Overdose of Adderall can lead to serious health problems and even death, per the American Addiction Centers.

How long does it take Adderall to leave your system?

According to the American Addiction Centers, Adderall can remain detectable in blood for up to 46 hours, in urine for up to 72-96 hours, and in the hair for up to 90 days. Adderall's rate of elimination from the body can be influenced by several factors, one of which is metabolism — people metabolize substances at different speeds, says Healthline.

Older adults also tend to have a slower metabolism, which can result in Adderall staying in their system for longer compared to younger adults. This is because as people age, their kidney function may decrease and their liver size decreases, affecting how fast Adderall is broken down, per Healthline.

The body mass index (BMI) of an individual can impact the rate of elimination of Adderall. People with a higher BMI may require more of the drug, leading to a slower rate of elimination, says Healthline.

Adderall withdrawal symptoms

Adderall withdrawal symptoms can occur when an individual stops taking the drug. These symptoms can vary in severity and duration and can include intense cravings for Adderall, panic attacks, irritability, and changes in appetite (via Healthline).

Fatigue is also a common withdrawal symptom, and you might feel exhausted, says Healthline. According to Healthline, depression can also be a symptom. Depression often causes a persistent sense of sadness and loss of interest in activities that the person once enjoyed, per the Mayo Clinic.

The duration of Adderall withdrawal symptoms varies, and the symptoms affect everyone differently. The symptoms depend on several factors, such as the frequency of use and dosage. However, symptoms can last for several days to weeks (via Healthline). In some cases, they may persist for a longer period.

Since withdrawal symptoms can be severe, it's important to consult a healthcare professional for personalized recommendations on tapering off Adderall and managing any withdrawal symptoms. Gradually reducing the dose of Adderall under medical supervision can help minimize the risk of withdrawal.