Health - Wellness
When You Eat Too Many Blueberries, This Is What Happens
Blueberries contain lots of antioxidants and essential vitamins, including vitamins C and K, manganese, and plenty of fiber. These tiny fruits are also rich in phenolic acids, quercetin, anthocyanidins, and other compounds with antioxidant activity, but even the healthiest foods can be harmful when consumed in large amounts.
As previously mentioned, blueberries are high in fiber, and when consumed in excess, this nutrient may cause bloating, gas, diarrhea, and mineral deficiencies. Also, blueberries have over 21 grams of carbs, including 14.7 grams of sugar, per cup, and eating three or more cups a day can lead to weight gain and hyperglycemia.
People who take blood thinners should also not eat a lot of blueberries, since their high amounts of vitamin K can increase the risk of bleeding. Generally speaking, the U.S. Department of Agriculture recommends consuming about 1 ½ to 2 cups of fruits per day for adult women and 2 to 2½ cups per day for adult men.