Health - Wellness
The Hidden Side Effects Of Too Much Magnesium
Enzymes are a crucial ingredient in chemical reactions in the body, and according to Healthline, over 300 of these reactions cannot occur without the mineral magnesium. It's important to get the right amount of magnesium for you each day, but supplements of this mineral should be treated with caution. Here's what you should know about magnesium.
Magnesium is present in foods such as soy, beans, spinach, wheat bread, and peanut butter. The recommended daily amount of magnesium varies based on age and gender, starting with 30 milligrams for infants (birth to 6 months old), and then a significant increase at the age of 14, with higher doses required for males over females.
Magnesium is essential for good sleep and many other bodily functions, but too much can cause magnesium toxicity or hypermagnesemia. People with kidney disease, pregnant women being treated for preeclampsia, and cancer patients are at higher risk, as well as those with hypothyroidism, Addison's disease, or milk-alkali syndrome.
Hypermagnesemia’s side effects include diarrhea, worsening of depression symptoms, slower heart rate, drop in blood pressure, difficulty breathing, facial flushing, muscle weakness, and lethargy. Always check with a healthcare professional if you want to take magnesium supplements, or if you're experiencing symptoms of too much magnesium.