For some women, eating jackfruit in moderation may carry health benefits, but what about during pregancy? Is it safe to eat jackfruit during pregnancy?
Those who have tonsillitis can experience a wide range of symptoms. That being said, some may be curious to know what it feels to actually have the infection.
Whether you're taking a pill on a daily basis or just once in a while, you may have noticed the letters and numbers on the capsule. Here's what they mean.
When people hear the term CPR, they often envision a mouth-to-mouth procedure, combined with applied pressure on the chest. Is mouth-to-mouth necessary?
Despite being a restful and restorative pose, child's pose isn't suitable for every body. Here's how to know when to skip it - and what you can do instead.
Cannabis products are popular choices to take the edge off. But a new study has found some evidence that it might be doing young men more harm than good.
Even if you're not 100% sure a person is in need of CPR, it's best to err on the side of caution. As you prepare to intervene, keep the 30-2 rule in mind.
Because your body is always changing, you might find at some point your oral diabetes medication is no longer effective. Here's why it happens and what to do.
Triangle pose, or trikonasana in Sanskrit, is a fundamental yoga posture found in all levels of practice. Here's why it's so good for you and how to do it.
The Alzheimer's Association has designated June to be Alzheimer's and Brain Awareness Month for people to share their stories about living with brain diseases.
Scanning through various options of over-the-counter medications can be overwhelming. Learn the difference between extended and delayed-release medications.
Whether it's a multivitamin, fish oil supplement, or a B12 supplement, certain vitamins can make you feel nauseous. Here's what you need to know to prevent it.
U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy issued an advisory about the risk of social media on the mental health of adolescents. Here's what you need to know.
While some know all about multiple sclerosis day, others may not be aware of the meaning behind the day. Here's what you need to know regarding MS Day.
There are two types of colonics that may be performed: open and closed-system. Here's how they are different and how this might affect which you choose.
Multiple sclerosis is a disease affecting the nervous system, causing symptoms such as numbness, pain, fatigue, or memory problems. This is how it's diagnosed.
Though mixing Red Bull and alcohol may appear harmless at first glance, it can actually be a recipe for disaster. Wait this long in between to be safe.
For some people, their depressive feelings worsen at night. Let's take a look at what it feels like to have nighttime depression as well as how it's treated.
When it's time to go into labor, most know what is to come in the next few hours to bring their baby into the world. However, can diarrhea be a sign of labor?
It's not uncommon to receive a dual diagnosis for mental health conditions, but what does this mean and how does it affect treatment? Read on to learn more.