Cellulitis is a condition you don't want to ignore. Acting early rather than later can save you complications. These are the telltale signs to watch for.
You've probably heard that when you burn your mouth you should drink cool water. Have you heard, however, that lip balm could also be a post-burn hack?
The most common way to treat a paper cut is to apply a bandaid, but you don't always have one available when needed. Next time, try this chapstick hack.
Thanks to TikTok, there's a pill-splitting method you can try using your fingers. But the hack has health professionals raising their eyebrows for this reason.
Large quantities of energy drinks every day could cause a range of side effects. For growing children, they could also have an effect on height. Here's why.
While many heart attack risk factors are physical, research suggests that emotions like feeling angry may also play a role. Here's what scientists have learned.
Despite all of the myths you may have encountered while preparing for a night of drinking, one supplement may actually help prevent your next hangover.
One "health" food contains five times the sugar found in a Krispy Kreme glazed donut. However, there's a subtle difference in the type of sugar present in each.
PMS (premenstrual syndrome) is no joke, and we're here to help you deal with it. Here are 14 easy stretches that can help bring relief from menstrual pain.
Is canned tuna a regular part of your diet? According to the U.S. Food & Drug Administration, there's a specific type of canned tuna that you should avoid.
What happens to your body if you swallow too much toothpaste while brushing your teeth? More importantly, what exactly does "too much toothpaste" look like?
Have you ever wondered how long it would really take for a person to bleed to death? Here's the answer - as well as what you should do in order to prevent it.
Are you an avid runner? Your diet has a huge impact on your performance. Here are 5 of the best and 5 of the worst foods you can eat for training and recovery.
There are some serious dangerous forever chemicals that could be lurking in your makeup products. Here's what they are, and some chemical-free products.
Alzheimer's disease is the seventh leading cause of death in the U.S. Fortunately, there are foods you can eat to help reduce your risk of developing it.
A new TikTok food trend is going around, and this one is delicious and healthy. The yogurt magic shell trick adds decadent chocolate to protein-rich yogurt.
Prime Energy packs a punch when it comes to caffeine content and experts claim that it may pose potential health risks to consumers, especially children.