While adding a stick of Liquid I.V. to a glass of water can help meet your hydration needs, drinking too much could be bad for your heart. Here's what to know.
If you ever find yourself suffering from discomfort due to trapped gas inside your abdomen, it might help to remember that your body has a "button" for that.
You've likely heard about the CDC in recent years, but what do those three letters stand for? More importantly, what exactly is the organization in charge of?
We tend to think of aging as a steady, linear process. But recent research reveals that there are two instances in our lifetime in which we age faster.
Because of the size difference, you might be tempted to buy a dozen jumbo eggs instead of the regular ones. But will you really get more extra protein per egg?
Are you planning to go on a 7-day juice cleanse to flush toxins out of your body? Some unexpected things might happen, and not just about food cravings.
It's not wrong for men to enjoy a bit of alcohol, provided it's in moderation. With that said, one's drinking habits may impact the body's testosterone levels.
Eggs are a mainstay on many breakfast tables across the world. But there's an underrated ingredient that you can add to them to boost their protein content.
There are a number of warning signs that could tell a man that he might have prostate cancer. One particular symptom is connected with a man's bowel movements.
All the festive eating during the holiday season may cause your cholesterol levels to spike, if you're not careful. There are simple ways to prevent this.
You might have heard that having a certain blood type may put you at a higher risk of a heart attack. An expert discusses the science behind it in an interview.
The amount of protein in one whole pound of ground beef might surprise you. The consequences of eating it all in one sitting can be quite surprising, too.
Your blood type may give you some insight on which diseases you're more at risk of developing. Certain types, for instance, may have a higher dementia risk.
While we often think of breads as containing carbs, sourdough bread also has a unexpected amount of protein; and it's good for your health in other ways.
Eggs possess enough nutrients to justify their inclusion in your daily diet. Specifically, egg whites may have an unexpected effect on your kidney health.
Cruciferous vegetables make a great addition to any diet. In an exclusive interview, a health expert talks about one that may benefit your blood pressure.
For people assigned male at birth, prostate cancer is one of the leading kinds of cancer worldwide. It helps to get a better understanding of its risk factors.
According to our expert, apple cider is rich in compounds that could be beneficial to your prostate health. Here's what to know about this fruity beverage.
As we learn more about COVID-19, we are increasingly finding unexpected effects it can have on our health. It turns out it could also impact our blood pressure.