If you're someone whose veins are notoriously tricky to find when getting blood drawn, you may be wondering what the deal is. We explain what's going on.
In addition to staying indoors, wearing lightweight clothing, and drinking water, a nighttime shower can also work wonders for staying cool on a hot evening.
Extreme heat during hot summer days can take quite a toll on your health. A recent study found that it can also increase your risk of death from heart disease.
Chest pain is undeniably a scary thing to experience. In certain cases, it could be a symptom of a serious condition, like a gastrointestinal or heart issue.
The sweltering heat during summer months makes working out a chore. Thus, you may want to use an unexpected item from your medicine cabinet for quick relief.
We relate taking a vacation with destressing, but how often do we equate it to avoiding death? Taking time off from work can have a huge impact on your health.
It is natural to go to the bathroom and see different shades, textures, and types of poop. But what does it mean when you have white poop? Is this normal?
Even if you're diligent about drinking enough water during the day, it's easy to fall behind when it gets hot out. These three fruits can keep you hydrated.
To determine the specific cause of a rash, it is crucial to see a physician. However, these are some of the things an itchy, red rash on your neck might be.
Let's dive into all the nutrients that tuna can provide us with and how its nutritional value may differ between canned products and freshly caught tuna.
One common symptom of a heart attack is pain that in one or both arms. Since arm pain can be caused by a number of things, here's what you should watch for.
Borax has been banned in U.S. food products. But some influencers on TikTok have falsely suggested that ingesting it can have benefits. What do the experts say?
After getting a tattoo, you'll no doubt go to great lengths to protect it and your skin. Here's what you should expect when your tattoo begins peeling.
Fruit is generally one of the safer and healthier foods we can consume. But what about dried fruit? Does it boast the same benefits, and how much is too much?
Something that's been making the rounds on TikTok is the red cabbage and pears juice weight loss trend. An expert weighs in on whether this plan is healthy.
Have you ever stopped to consider if sports drinks are actually hydrating to your body? The answer might be a little nuanced depending on what kind you pick up.
After a day at the beach, you might notice that your feet are covered in tiny, red bug bites. It turns out it might not be bug bites at all, but rather this.
One warning sign of a heart attack is pressure or pain in the upper back. We explain what it feels like and how to recognize the signs of a heart attack.
Normal poop sinks to the bottom of the toilet bowl. Every once in a while, though, you might have floating poop. Here's why you probably shouldn't worry.
The United States ranks 69th in the world in terms of average life expectancy. Interestingly, Monaco is #1 on the list. Here are some of the reasons why.
The shape and color of a person's eyes can leave a big impact on everyone else. Here are some of the most unique eye features brought about by rare conditions.
Eating tuna that's been stored improperly can make you susceptible to foodborne illness. This is what the USDA advises when it comes to storing canned tuna.
White specks in your urine can sometimes point to a health condition, but there are cases in which they are entirely normal. Here's how to know what they mean.