Does breaking a sweat make you break out into hives? Is it even possible to be allergic to your own sweat? Find out what a sweat allergy is and how to treat it.
Because bananas are nutritional powerhouses, it's reasonable to think that banana chips are a healthy snack. But does science support this idea? Read on.
Eggs are delicious and nutritious, but there are some precautions that need to be taken when it comes to storage and preparation for the sake of your health.
MyoStorm made a splash in its Shark Tank debut -- and pre-orders piled up on their site. But where is the company now, and how did they fare after the show?
Craving something sweet at the gym? If you're reaching for a chocolate bar, you may want to think twice. Here's why chocolate isn't the best pre-workout choice?
Can fresh eggs really stay fresh at room temperature? The answer isn't exactly straightforward. Here's what you need to know about storing eggs safely.
Given its reputation as a sugary beverage, it's wise to limit your Coca-Cola intake. Surprisingly, a popular iced tea brand has more sugar than a can of Coke.
It's hard to find anyone who doesn't enjoy a good peanut butter and jelly sandwich. But are these sweet snacks really good for you? Here's what the experts say.
When you get bitten by a tick, it's not like other insect bites. In fact, you might not notice it immediately. But can tick bites leave you with itchy skin?
There's no doubt that bananas are nutritious and a convenient snack. But as it turns out, eating too many green bananas may have an unexpected side effect.
A good night's sleep can do wonders for your skin. But did you know that even the color of your bedsheets can make a difference? Here's the best one to choose.
If you're looking for a surprisingly healthy pasta dish to order the next time you're eating at an Italian establishment, why not try this tasty selection?
If you've ever had period hair, you'll know that it's anything but fun. Fortunately, there are a number of ways you can properly manage this annoying problem.
Here are some of the possible reasons why your mustache isn't growing as quickly as you'd like, as well as how long it can take before you start seeing results.
Become your own health detective by learning about a few common culprits that can cause frothy poop. We'll also explain when you should see your doctor.
Your gym teacher probably rammed this idea into your head: Don't forget to stretch! However, there are two exercises where it won't help prevent injury.
It may be an idea you've toyed with, and there's no doubt it'll need tons of self-control. But what really happens to your body when you stop eating fried food?
Ryan Naylor's pitch for Esso Watches was a memorable moment in "Shark Tank" history - the sharks essentially ate him alive. Where are he and the company today?
The Mediterranean diet is well known for being one of the healthiest diets out there. In fact, following this diet could help you live longer. Here's how.
You don't typically think of healthy when you hit your local drugstore for a quick snack. However, there is one surprisingly healthy canned food you can buy.