Have you ever wondered what happens to your skin just before your death? As it turns out, there may be a change in your skin's appearance before it happens.
When a beauty blogger shared her technique for removing blackheads that involved Vaseline and plastic wrap, people were divided. Here's what the experts say.
Season 5 of "Shark Tank" featured the 6-year-old inventor of Boo Boo Goo, a liquid bandage in flesh tones and bright pastels. But where is Boo Boo Goo now?
Recognizing a fad diet is crucial for making informed choices about your diet and overall health. Here's a list of popular single-food diets you should avoid.
Do you keep waking up with your clothing and your sheets drenched in sweat? It may be time to look into the meds you're taking that may be causing night sweats.
Tossing out canned goods may seem wasteful, especially if you've been saving them for a rainy day. But the USDA says to toss canned foods that look like this.
Season 9 of "Shark Tank" featured EverlyWell, a company that sells laboratory testing kits that can be self-administered at home easily. But where is it today?
Have you ever wondered why operating rooms have green-colored walls? It's not an arbitrary choice. In fact, there's sound logic and solid reasoning behind it.
While they're an excellent way to get the nutrients you need, you may not have the time to prepare smoothies yourself. But are premade smoothies good for you?
Similar to how you have a dominant hand that you use more often, you also have a dominant eye - and interestingly, you can actually identify it. Here's how.
A textured sticker designed to discreetly help people with anxiety, Calm Strips was pitched in a Season 13 episode of Shark Tank. Here's where it is today.
There are plenty of contradicting opinions out there about how and when to wash our bodies. But have we just been wasting time washing our legs in the shower?
According to research, there may be an unexpected health benefit to washing dishes by hand instead of a dishwasher. It has to do with the hygiene hypothesis.
The availability of reduced fat milk options might make you want to ignore whole milk at your grocery. But as it turns out, whole milk might be good for you.
Are you trying to strengthen your chest muscles? The good news is that you don't need to do fancy exercises. Here are a few simple moves to add to your workout.
Have you ever wondered if there was a connection between how you slept and who you are? If you sleep on your back, this is what it says about your personality.
Looking for a salty snack from the vending machine, but afraid of the health repercussions? Here's a suprisingly healthy chip you can buy from vending machines.
The facial scar of TikToker Scar Girl has been controversial for her viewers, who have questioned its legitimacy. A dermatologist recently offered her thoughts.
Bob Barker was a well-loved TV personality and retired at 83 after hosting "The Price Is Right" for more than 30 years. This was his cause of death at 99.
Smoothies for breakfast are a great way to start your day with fresh fruit. However, some experts feel there may be a nutritional drawback to blending fruit.
You've likely heard about just how bad sugar can be for your health. While moderate consumption is fine, quitting sugar cold turkey can come with some benefits.
There's a good chance that lower ab exercises are part of your fitness routine. However, in trying to achieve that six-pack, be sure not to make this mistake.
When Browndages' founders pitched the idea of their inclusive bandages during season 13, the Sharks were ready to make a deal. But where is the company today?
You want to have a fun day outside, but the mosquitoes have come out in droves. If you end up with mosquito bites, there's a reason they itch more at night.