A staple (albeit typically overlooked) ingredient in many pantries, the distinctly pungent horseradish actually offers some incredible health benefits.
When you're in a rush to grab a gas station snack, it's tempting to prioritize taste over nutrition. However, there's actually a high-protein option there.
Which side of the bed do you usually sleep on, the left or the right? As it turns out, experts think the side you choose may reveal unexpected things about you.
Having fecal matter leak out of you while coughing may be a sign of more serious problems in your body. Here's why a cough sometimes prompts fecal incontinence.
Who doesn't love the heavenly scent and the satisfying crunch of popcorn? However, if you have one of these medication conditions, it may be wise to avoid it.
You may have read that sexual intercouse can increase your risk of suffering a heart attack. But is this true? Here's what some heart health experts said.
Pooping feels anything but sexy, so why do so many people get the urge to go during sex? If you've dealt with this, you're not alone, and there's a few causes.
When looking to boost your potassium, bananas are the standby that everyone knows. But surprisingly, one delicious fruit actually boasts even more potassium.
If you enjoy getting busy more when you're in a hotel, you're not alone. In fact, there is a scientific reason why hotel sex feels better than at-home romps.
Have you been making more trips to the bathroom during the summer? The extreme heat may have something to do with your increased urge to poop. Read on.
Touting the benefits of cold exposure for sleep, energy, and fat loss, the founders of Plunge appeared on "Shark Tank" season 13. Where is the company today?
The role of protein in the development of your body is undeniably important. And if you don't get enough of it in your diet, your legs may suffer as a result.
If you're one of the few who actually enjoy leg day, you may want to add the Death March lunge to your workout. Here's how to properly do this viral move.
Every once in a while, an unpopped kernel can sneak into your favorite bag of popcorn. But is the seemingly harmless act of eating it actually dangerous?
Research suggests that drinking water might help you reach your weight loss goals. But how much water should you drink each day if you want to lose weight?
Interestingly, certain varieties of cheese contain more protein per gram than meat. In addition, consuming these cheeses may result in other health benefits.
It's natural to feel worried about accidentally missing a dose of your medication. We'll explain what you should do if you can't remember if you took it.
When choosing a carton of eggs, it's important to peek inside and make sure they're all intact. Here's why the USDA says you shouldn't eat an egg with cracks.
If you're aiming to lose weight, it's a smart idea to add some eggs to your diet. But is there truly an ideal time of day to eat eggs to maximize weight loss?
You probably know that eating breakfast is a great way to start your day. But did you know that eating breakfast foods for dinner can help you fall asleep fast?
When your primary exercise goal is to lose stubborn fat, you'll definitely want to know where your fat burning zone lies. Here are the simplest ways to do so.
You may have been avoiding eating carbohydrates after your nighttime run because you're concerned that you'll gain weight. But should you really be doing that?
When you make the decision to stop drinking coffee, expect that you'll experience a host of symptoms, both good and bad. Here are the effects you'll notice.
If you're having trouble falling asleep, you might want to try this easy trick. The best part? You won't even have to spend any money; you just need your toes.
Have you ever experienced feeling physically weak after a strenuous bowel movement? Find out more about defecation syncope and what to do when it happens.