If you're one of those people whose nose stings before they begin shedding some tears, you might be wondering why this occurs. We'll explain what it could mean.
If you're like most people, you've felt the urge to bite your palm when your hand itches. But have you ever wondered what could prompt such strange behavior?
Finding a tick on your leg after an otherwise pleasant hiking trip can be quite annoying. Here are a few simple tricks you can try to quickly remove it.
The ring finger can get swollen for a multitude of reasons, but you certainly wouldn't want your ring to get stuck there. Here's a simple TikTok hack to try.
It seems like most people dislike Daylight Savings Time. It affects our bodies in many ways, including giving us food cravings at the end. This is why.
Because of how it tweaks your schedule, Daylight Savings Time can impact many aspects of your life. Unfortunately, studies say this includes your death risk.
Interestingly, Daylight Savings Time can affect more than just how much sleep you get during specific seasons. Here's what experts say about DST and headaches.
Having to adjust your schedule for DST can admittedly be inconvenient and annoying. But does this annual clock adjustment have an impact on your heart health?
V8 juice is a nutritious and healthy beverage. But, if you are tired of chugging it down every day, there are some sneaky ways you can hide it in other foods.
GOGA Goat Yoga was founded in 2017, and was featured in a 2019 episode of Shark Tank. Here's what's happened to the company and its founders since then.
Research over the years has found particularly strong correlations between heart disease risk and whether you have a particular type of personality. We explain.
If your eyes itch after you get out of the shower, you might be thinking that it's one of the products you are using. However, it could mean something else.
Along with their health benefits, air fryers can present some risks. Do the benefits outweigh the risks? We'll explain what to know about safe air fryer use.
While there are many factors that end up influencing the quality of your sleep, perhaps the most surprising one is your eye color. Keep reading to learn more.
The presence of a metallic taste on your lips or in your mouth can mean quite a few things. Usually, though, this is because of the iron in your blood.
It's not unheard of for some people to rely on anxiety medication for a good night's sleep. But is this safe, or does it come with dangerous side effects?
A sudden rush of cold air can sometimes make your lungs hurt. But have you ever wondered why it has this effect on your respiratory system? Keep reading.
Do you occasionally suffer from nasal congestion? This viral TikTok hack is simple to execute, but does it really work as advertised? Here's what experts say.
Making the rounds on TikTok is a simple recipe for popcorn truffles that only requires 5 vegetarian-friendly ingredients. Here's how you can prepare it at home.
If you've woke up with a racing heart, you may be wondering whether it's cause for concern. We'll explain what it means and when you might need to see a doctor.
Brushing your teeth is something you do every day, maybe even twice a day. Why not double your benefit by doing this easy core exercise at the same time?
Does milk really make you feel worse if you drink it while you're sick, or does the evidence say otherwise? As it turns out, the answer's a bit complicated.
The idea of anything adequately healthy coming from a vending machine may sound strange, but there's actually a drink that fits the description. Here's why.