Every once in a while, you may experience heart palpitations the moment you lie down and prepare to sleep. Here are some of the possible reasons behind this.
Eating the right kind of food can help you improve your gut health. The next time you go shopping for cheese, you might want to grab this particular variety.
Have you ever experienced a bad case of the runs right after taking seemingly harmless medication? Read about how taking certain drugs can prompt diarrhea.
Getting enough protein in your diet can be tough, but by simply eating more broccoli you can up your intake while also keeping your calorie intake low.
For many people, ibuprofen is the go-to over-the-counter medication for pain relief. However, it isn't always guaranteed to work. Find out why this happens.
Having the urge to pee can completely derail even the most intense workout, but fortunately there are plenty of things you can do to calm an anxious bladder.
If it feels like you have sharper memories of the moments you've spent with the love of your life, you're not just imagining things. Here's what experts say.
There are a lot of rumors that go along with being left-handed. Some might be true though. This is what we know about lefties increased risk of cancer.
Feeling sudden, unexpected pain in the eyebrows can be an annoying experience, but what does it actually mean? Here are some of the possible reasons behind it.
Dating is filled with preferences - some women like tall men, while others like shorter. Age is another preference and younger men are appealing to many women.
Struggling to keep up with your recommended daily water intake? As it turns out, adding a popular morning food to your breakfast can boost your hydration.
When it comes to food, "fungus" isn't the first word that comes to mind. But you'll miss out on a protein-rich source if you leave this out of your diet.
As it turns out, there's a major reason why marijuana use tends to make people extremely hungry. Here's what researchers have learned about "the munchies."
Seemingly harmless characteristics of your baby's poop may actually be warning signs of health problems. Here are some of the symptoms you should watch out for.
It's time to feast. Thanksgiving is a day where everyone stuffs their faces, regardless of how full they are. Turns out, there's a reason we crave dessert.
Some people prefer drinking a smoothie before they begin their workout, for that extra energy boost. But this can actually have unexpected, detrimental effects.
The next time you start experiencing those annoying hiccups, here's something you might want to try: a viral Instagram tip from a doctor involving cold water.
It's not unheard of (pun intended) to wake up in bed with ear pain. But what really causes this after a full night's sleep? Here's what experts say about it.
Ever wonder just how long it takes for your body to fully process the protein you digest? The absorption rate varies, depending on the kind of protein. Read on.
Aside from being a yummy spread for your sandwiches, peanut butter can also greatly benefit your eye health. Here are its eyesight-protecting nutrients.
Is there really such a thing as an ideal month to start your weight loss journey? Two experts shared their thoughts on the best month to start dieting.
While some people may find the notion of exercising to be tiresome and unappealing, others may actually develop an addiction to it. Here's what experts say.