Switching from dairy milk to plant-based milk is a small change that can have a big impact on your health. This particular plant-based milk is a popular choice.
It's never too late or too early to make a lifestyle change, like eating a healthier diet. However, certain time frames may prove more feasible than others.
There's a simple breathing exercise that can help you deal with a nasty stomachache. Interestingly, it involves playfully folding your tongue like a taco.
If you find yourself experiencing constipation and want to get things moving, you'll be happy to know that we have a "poop button." Learn more about it here.
A viral infection typically comes with a runny nose, which in turn can cause an unpleasant burning sensation in your nasal area. Here's why this can happen.
Tech-related health advice can be confusing at times. Is there any truth to the notion that you shouldn't sleep within close proximity to your WiFi router?
The idea of having bread as an appetizer is certainly an appealing one, but are there actually downsides to enjoying this popular carb on an empty stomach?
You may not realize it, but the color of the pajamas you wear may actually be affecting the quality of your sleep. Here's what experts have to say about it.
Moments after death, a series of physical and chemical changes begin to happen on the skin, some more obvious than others. Read on to learn more about them.
While food storage is meant to extend the shelf life of perishables, incorrect practices may actually make things worse. Avoid these food storage mistakes.
If you're looking to increase your hydration levels throughout the day, be wary of this popular kind of "healthy" drink. It may actually make things worse.
Taking a long nap before your workout can actually be detrimental to your results. That's not to say, though, that all pre-workout naps are bad for you.
Vaccinations are meant to safeguard the body from various diseases. But according to recent research, they may also benefit the brain in surprising ways.
It may sound like a ridiculous question, but it's something that people actually ask: How many calories do we burn while farting? Here's what experts say.
Beauty may be in the eye of the beholder -- but as it turns out, so is love, literally. When you fall head over heels for someone, here's how your eyes show it.
Whether as a refreshing start to the day or a post-workout treat, smoothies can be a healthy addition to any diet, provided they have the right ingredients.
When it comes to potassium-rich dietary sources, bananas are the king - or are they? Here's an unexpectedly richer source of potassium you should consider.
When a panic attack suddenly comes on, what is the best way to deal with it? An expert shares thoughts and tips in an exclusive interview with Health Digest.
Eating peanut butter comes with a slew of well-known health benefits. But did you know that adding this to your diet can protect you from this common illness?
Need more potassium in your diet, but not exactly fond of eating bananas? You'll be pleased to know that this carbohydrate-rich snack favorite has loads of it.
Every once in a while, you might feel too exhausted to even take your socks off before going to bed. But experts say that that's a terrible practice. Read on.
Falling in love effects us in a number of ways, including your sleep. Scents and safety play a role in the comfort you feel sleeping next to your loved one.