Everything in the body is interconnected, and this common joint condition actually has an unexpected effect on your eyes and can cause certain conditions.
A sudden or sustained feeling of pain or tightness in your ribs is understandably a cause for concern. But what sort of condition could cause such discomfort?
When you're sick, you may experience many symptoms such as fever or upset stomach. What you may not know, however, is that it can also affect your heart rate.
There's a common medication that scientists have found could be affecting your personality every time you use it. Do you have it in your medicine cabinet?
Green eyes are a rare trait found in only 2% of people, but it turns out that having this eye color might provide a big advantage when it comes to your health.
When you're following a plant-based diet, you must ensure you're getting all the nutrients you need in your diet. This vegan-friendly food has iron in spades.
When it comes to protein-rich food sources, potatoes aren't typically the first things people think of. Relatively speaking, though, they pack quite a punch.
Fruits are generally top-of-mind when it comes to healthy food. But suddenly eating fruit on a daily basis can have a surprising effect on your bowel movements.
Period cramps can be a pain to deal with, literally and figuratively. Fortunately, there's a simple way to deal with it: just find this pressure point.
If you find yourself regularly having trouble sleeping at night, you might want to add a bit more meat to your diet. But we don't mean chicken, pork, or beef.
Michael Bolton recently shared on social media that he is recovering from brain tumor surgery. This means the singer will take a brief break from his tour.
When we talk about protein, its role in building muscle is usually the first thing that comes to mind. But a protein deficiency can affect bone health, too.
An interesting DIY recipe has been making the rounds on TikTok: cough drops you can make at home with simple ingredients. Here's what happened when we tried it.
A nosebleed is a fairly common experience, and typically results in a minimal amount of blood loss. But is it really possible for epistaxis to be lethal?
Falling asleep can be quite a chore when you have a throbbing headache. Fortunately, there's a sleeping position that can help you doze off in such situations.
The presence of stinky ear wax can be annoying and alarming. But what does it really mean when stuff from your ears gives off a mean odor? Keep reading.
What can your heart rate tell you about the state of your health in the future? Here's what research has found about the hints that your heart rate may give.
Specific food cravings can tell us a lot more about our bodies than we realize. If you suddenly feel a strong desire to eat sour foods, here's what that means.
Certain sleep positions can aggravate the burning and stinging of dry eye. However, this sleep position is the best for providing relief from your symptoms.
Seeing undigested food mixed in with your stool can be confusing and a bit unnerving. But is it really a cause for concern, or is it normal? Keep reading.
Having a bloated stomach is never fun, especially when you're trying to get your beauty sleep. But there's one sleep position in particular that will help.