Eating the same foods each day might be a great idea since you only have to meal prep once a week. However, it could also have certain effects on your sleep.
Nighttime bathroom breaks can leave you feeling exhausted the next day. Thankfully, these tips can help you manage the need to pee in the middle of the night.
While your house is a place that should ideally make you feel safe and secure, it contains many things that can accidentally cause unexpectedly fatal results.
Did you know that in addition to giving your body the curves it deserves, your butt can also be a predictor of your health? Here's what it can tell you.
You probably already know that olive oil can help support heart health. It turns out, though, that there can be an added benefit to eating it every day.
If you're having trouble falling asleep at night, incorporating this popular carb into your diet might help. However, there might be some drawbacks, too.
Some life-threatening diseases can be easily diagnosed and caught in time. Others are "silent," and can stay hidden and undiagnosed until it's too late.
When you see your poop coming out in strings, it may cause you to be a bit worried. But what sort of gastrointestinal problems does this hint at, if any?
Everyone knows the importance of including fruits in a well-rounded diet. But what would happen if, instead of a balanced diet, you consume more fruit daily?
It's not that rare to experience muscle cramps and spasms at night. But beyond the discomfort and pain, muscle cramps may be a sign of other health concerns.
While proper hydration is generally regarded as a sound and essential health practice, studies suggest that a specific type of water may be good for the heart.
Even though many are doing it, masturbation isn't exactly a comfortable topic. But what happens when you put a stop to self-love? Here's what an expert says.
While sleeping is meant to be restful, sometimes it's not comfortable for those who experience hip pain. This sleep position may be best in these cases.
You might remember the Tide pod challenge that dared kids to bite into the colorful laundry detergent packets. But what happens when you swallow a laundry pod?
Gut health is obviously important, but something you might not associate with how much sleep you get. But, if you don't get enough, it could spell gut trouble.
Everything in the body is interconnected, and this common joint condition actually has an unexpected effect on your eyes and can cause certain conditions.
A sudden or sustained feeling of pain or tightness in your ribs is understandably a cause for concern. But what sort of condition could cause such discomfort?
When you're sick, you may experience many symptoms such as fever or upset stomach. What you may not know, however, is that it can also affect your heart rate.
There's a common medication that scientists have found could be affecting your personality every time you use it. Do you have it in your medicine cabinet?