Eating cashews every day can benefit the body in a number of ways. Interestingly, this popular snack also has potential effects on a person's bowel movements.
It takes holistic effort - diet, exercise, and sometimes medication - to manage high cholesterol. If you include eggplant in your diet, here's how it can help.
If you're a man, you're likely aware that certain factors affect your risk of prostate cancer. But what might surprise you is that where you live matters, too.
Constipation got you fidgeting in your seat? Snack on this popular fruit to get things going instantly -- but make sure to pick one that's already ripe.
For actress Jessica Biel, keeping up with being a busy mom apparently means eating in the shower. However, experts are divided about this controversial habit.
There are many reasons why a person may want (or need) to hold their pee. But when you regularly delay your urination, it can have nasty effects on your body.
Having high levels of cholesterol is a common health problem, but is the solution inside our bodies as well? Newly published research seems to suggest this.
Soy's popularity as a superfood is far from where it used to be decades ago. But that doesn't mean health-conscious men should ignore it, says science.
A number of popular beverages have a reputation for being gut-friendly. But one particular drink rich in "good" bacteria may actually reduce your cancer risk.
Drinking coffee regularly can provide both advantages and disadvantages to your health. But research suggests that coffee can prevent a well-known disease.
Many people take common medications with little hesitation. But some of these easily obtainable drugs should never be taken alongside the NSAID ibuprofen.
Low-carb dieting has become one of the most popular options for weight loss. But what does eliminating carbs from your diet really do to your metabolism?
Sex does more than just make you feel good in the moment. When you go without sex, it may even influence your risk for early death. Here's what we know.
Poop happens, or it should, pretty regularly. But what happens to your prostate if you don't poop every day? This is how constipation can affect your prostate.
If you're having trouble falling asleep at night, a light midnight snack might do the trick. This particular type of cheese can reportedly help you snooze fast.
Eating peanut butter every day can come with a variety of health benefits. But does indulging in this sweet spread on the daily affect your risk of dying early?
Constipation is such a common predicament that people are always on the lookout for things that can help them poop instantly. This drink can be one of them.
Are you running short on time and aren't able to bring a healthy lunch from home? These are the healthiest fast food salads you can buy, according to an expert.