It's been said that eggs are the perfect food due to their vast nutritional value. In fact, eating eggs every day could have an unexpected effect on your butt.
Kidney stones are all too common in the modern U.S. Your diet plays a key role in mitigating this painful ailment, and including pineapple can be a great help.
Certain types of medication can affect your blood pressure, which is why it's important to consult a doctor before taking them. But what about decongestants?
While consistency is key when it comes to exercise, sometimes, life just makes it hard to stick to a routine. But what happens when you just stop doing cardio?
There are many vegetables that make for quick and easy snacks; some can even be consumed raw. But beware of consuming certain kinds of uncooked veggies.
A viral mocktail recipe on TikTok reportedly produces a drink that can reduce your stress levels. But is this cortisol drink really all it's cracked up to be?
As it's a fairly common condition, indigestion isn't necessarily a cause for alarm in most cases. But there are instances where it may hint at something worse.
We're always open to trying new ideas to get things moving, whether that is drinking a warm cup of coffee, or running around the apartment - what about agave?
As we grow older, there are certain types of food that we should be avoiding. While processed food is typically on the list, there's an especially risky kind.
You've likely heard of kidney stones already. But interestingly enough, men can also develop a condition called prostate stones. But how troublesome are these?
Cashews are a delicious snack food that come with many health benefits. And recent research has suggested that those benefits might even include weight loss.
There's no shortage of sleep hacks on TikTok, but have you heard of the "alpha bridge sleep" technique? Find out how to do it and whether it actually works.
It's natural to want a glass of red wine with your meal, but you should maybe skip it when eating this plant-based protein. Find out what it is and why.
An enlarged prostate can cause issues with urination and bladder health. Men with this condition should turn to this nut to help control prostate growth.
When constipation keeps you stuck in the toilet, chances are that you immediately think of what to eat to help you. You should try this particular carbohydrate.
Some medications have effects beyond their intended purpose, and this blood pressure medication is one of them. Check out how it can benefit your skin.
There are many valid reasons why you may want to consider trying a low-fat diet. But know that reducing your fat intake affects your body in different ways.
In a recent social media post, Halsey shared more details about her rare organ disease. The entertainer's recent song also hinted at her health condition.
Foot washing has become a hot topic lately thanks to a social media post from Jason Kelce. What happens, though, if you leave your toes untouched while bathing?