Biting your tongue is incredibly painful, but if you've been chomping down on it in your sleep, you could be dealing with a very serious health condition.
It is a frustrating reality that almost every man who has ever visited a bar has experienced, but what is the science behind the dreaded breaking of the seal?
Greek yogurt gets a huge thumbs-up for its health benefits. However, the unhealthiest store-bought Greek yogurts are often high in certain ingredients.
Glioblastoma is a type of brain cancer that affects a considerable percentage of the global population. Thus, it's important to be familiar with its symptoms.
While ibuprofen and other NSAIDs can provide reliable pain relief, they're a big no-no for people at risk of stomach issues. Luckily, there's an alternative.
People with insomnia might think of adding different foods to their diet to help them sleep. But does this strategy work? An expert shared their thoughts.
With certain health conditions come certain dietary restrictions - and having high cortisol is no exception. An expert shared the details with Health Digest.
A dry mouth, reduced urine, and thirst may be more obvious signs of mild dehydration. However, what's going on inside our heads can also give us a clue.
Dietary needs and restrictions change with age. Men in particular may want to eliminate this type of cheese from their diet after reaching the age of 50.
Engaging in sexual intercourse while having digestive troubles can be challenging, to say the least. But how does sex while you're constipated affect your body?
Having an enlarged prostate brings a host of detrimental effects to your health and routine. This includes steering clear of a common type of medication.
If you love eating sourdough, we've got good news for you - The wild-fermented bread can have a positive affect on your health as you age. Here's what to know.
Research shows that the risk of death increases for people diagnosed with diabetes. We'll break down the life expectancy estimates and explain the causes.
Our bodies change our whole lives, but after turning 50, there are two habits we should change to prevent weight gain and avoid the problems that can cause.
In an Instagram post, actress Priyanka Chopra shared an interesting foot care hack that involves the use of garlic. We put it to the test to see if it works.
Exercise does a body good, especially when the body belongs to someone in their 50s. In fact, removing exercise from one's routine can have negative impacts.
When it comes to a man achieving an orgasm, we generally think of this happening in conjunction with an erection, but can men orgasm without having an erection?
Low-fat ice cream has a reputation for being a healthy choice for sweet-toothed health buffs. But if you have this medical condition, low-fat isn't a good idea.
If you're trying to eat healthy, the last thing you want to do is wreck your sleep and nutrition with the wrong midnight snack. Here's what to eat instead.
Reese's Peanut Butter Cups are a tempting treat, and not everything about them is bad nutritionally. But there may be more beneath the wrapper than you know.