The government discontinued its free at-home test kit mailing service, but you can receive as many as eight tests monthly. Here's what you need to know.
Diabetes is a common health condition in the U.S. So you may wonder if you're bound to get it if it runs in your family. Here's how genetics may play a role.
A new study published in Nature Medicine suggests that COVID reinfection can put a person at risk for health conditions in the months following the illness.
Heart failure is a leading cause of death, but it can often be difficult to diagnose initially. Learn how the Apple Watch is being used to recognize it.
Managing leftovers properly in your household can be a simple way to do your part in reducing food waste, which could have a positive impact on your budget.
Head into any store, and you'll find rows of sunscreens on the shelves. So to find out which sunscreen brand is most preferred, we asked Health Digest readers.
If you have a herniated disc, you don't have to stop exercising altogether, but there are some moves you're going to want to avoid until you've recovered.
Occasional overeating is usually not a cause for concern, but what if you find yourself gorging on the regular? Here's what happens when you regularly overeat.
What people might at first write off as a pimple sometimes turns out to be a cold sore. These blisters like to appear on the lips and overstay their welcome.
If you're looking for an effective exercise that combines both cardio and strength training, you might want to try adding squat jacks to your workout routine.
A form of psychotherapy, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) utilizes goal-oriented methods to help patients identify and cope with what's causing them distress.
Schizophrenia is a disorder that's misunderstood by many. But can it develop later in life? Find out if it's possible for older people to develop schizophrenia.
An increase in exposure to sunlight may help treat symptoms of SAD, alongside therapy and medication. Here are the 5 best lamps for seasonal depression.
Prenatal vitamins are supplements specifically formulated to safely deliver key nutrients to pregnant people. Here's how to choose the best one for you.
Folake Olowofoyeku endured years of agony before her endometriosis surgery. She told Health Digest how she was finally able to conquer it with treatment.
Government officials have now launched a new COVID-19 vaccine effort, deemed the HHS "Countdown to Thanksgiving Vax Up America Tour." Here's how it will work.
Catching the flu can be miserable and even deadly for some. But, this year may be slightly different regarding the flu vaccine for those over 65 years old.