For some with medical conditions or medication requirements, not having enough vitamin K can be a common problem. Here are some foods rich in the vitamin.
Most have a few set stretches that they do time and time again. But for your upper body, there are a huge number of great stretches you probably aren't doing.
For years, the belief has been that lower levels of "good" cholesterol increases heart disease risk. Read about a new study that says this may not be true.
Being bloated is a common experience, and many choose to suffer it in silence. Learn about a survey that shows why people don't discuss it with their doctors.
People with osteoarthritis often take NSAID medication to help relieve symptoms. Discover a new study that says NSAIDs may not help with long-term inflammation.
There are many lifestyle choices you can make to help reduce your chance of developing cancer. Here's what aerobic exercise can do for your cancer risk
While vertigo isn't a disease in itself, there are exercises to reduce vertigo symptoms that can run in tandem with treatment for the condition causing it.
If you'd like to start taking cycling classes from home, it can be a bit overwhelming to choose the best one for your lifestyle. Here are 8 of the best options.
If you were born before 1980, chances are you've had chickenpox, which puts you at risk for developing shingles. That's why it's important to get the vaccine.
A recent drug approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) may help delay the onset of type 1 diabetes. Here's everything you need to know.
To understand how your vision is affected as you age, we've enlisted Dr. James Kelly, a comprehensive ophthalmologist who specializes in refractive surgery.
About 1 in 50 people in the U.S. deal with paralysis. Now there's a new type of adaptive equipment for people with paralysis -- mind-controlled wheelchairs.
Regardless of how severe your COVID-19 symptoms appeared at first, researchers are now elaborating on how it could affect your brain, even after recovery.