Pregnancy can feel like a long journey with many ups and downs. And it can feel particularly troublesome when a symptom like spotting or bleeding comes up.
Lactation is the normal process that naturally happens in women who have recently given birth. Is it possible for males to lactate? The answer may surprise you.
Whatever the reason, choosing a vegetarian lifestyle can seem overwhelming -- but it doesn't have to be. Here's what you need to know before you get started.
Bloating can be a common issue for a lot of people. So grab your mat, because it's time to show that bloated feeling the door with these key yoga poses.
There are a variety of treatment methods to control the frequency and severity of seizures in those suffering from epilepsy. But can coconut oil be one of them?
It's not unusual to feel a bump or lump on your body, but if you notice a lump in your breast, you may feel more concerned. Here's what you should know.
Before trying alkaline water to cure the lingering symptoms from last night's hangover, it's best to consider a few factors, like if it actually helps.
Incorporating cordyceps mushrooms into your diet can be beneficial to your health. In fact, there are six science-backed reasons why they should be included.
You may never have heard of konjac, but it's considered a healthy food and touted for various nutritional benefits. Particularly this one main benefit.
A type of fertility procedure, IUI allows sperm to bypass the cervix and get placed directly in the uterus and closer to the egg it needs to fertilize.
Sleep apnea can cause a host of different health issues, but can it cause gastrointestinal problems? Discover what experts say about sleep apnea and your gut.
If you're constantly having an intense craving for a particular food, various factors can be at play. This is what it means if you are craving chicken.
Despite the positive impact of exercise on stress reduction, it doesn't have to be rigorous or occur in the gym. Some simple stretches are just as effective.
Like any fast food chain, Chick-fil-A has a set of fatty options on the menu. However, there is one food item with a high-fat content that might surprise you.