Recognizing a fad diet is crucial for making informed choices about your diet and overall health. Here's a list of popular single-food diets you should avoid.
Having a protein drink can aid your weight loss efforts by helping you feel fuller for longer. But, what is the best time to consume your protein drink?
Protein does your body good, especially if you want to lose weight, because it keeps you feeling full. These are some of the highest-protein cereals available.
You've gained a bit of weight in the last few months and your face is looking rounder than it used to. But, what can you do to lose weight in your face?
If losing weight is on your list of goals, you may be concerned about whether you will have loose skin and wonder what you can do about it. Here's what to know.
Have you ever wondered what happens to body fat when it's burned? It turns out there's a physiological process that allows our bodies to expel body fat.
Something that's been making the rounds on TikTok is the red cabbage and pears juice weight loss trend. An expert weighs in on whether this plan is healthy.
Worried about regaining weight? A new study says that a few extra pounds regained after a weight-loss program won't sideline your heart health too much.
After weight loss surgery, it's important to follow a proper diet and avoid certain foods immediately following the procedure, such as nuts. Here's why.
Most know that losing weight involves exercising and maintaining a healthy diet. However, some may be wondering if taking fish oil supplements could also help.
People using Wellbutrin often do not experience the same side effects associated with other antidepressants. Does this mean it might help with weight loss?
You might have come across OWYN meal replacement shakes. Here's everything you need to know about OWYN and if they are actually effective for weight loss.
Vannessa Cross of TLC's "1000-lb Best Friends" describes how her life has changed since getting bariatric surgery and how it feels seeing her son on the show.
Fiber can protect you from heart disease, diabetes, and inflammatory bowel disease. And, this specific type of fiber might even help you lose more weight.
Huel offers a variety of products, such as protein bars, ready-to-drink meals in a bottle, and powdered meals. Do these products help with weight loss?
Weight loss scams have been around for about as long as humanity's desire to lose weight. Here's a list of some of the biggest weight loss scams of all time.
Standing outside in freezing temperatures or stepping out of the shower into a cold room can be uncomfortable, but your body has a way to help you warm up.
The struggle to lose weight affects a number of people. Therefore, some experts looked into including financial incentives for some to shed a couple of pounds.