Seeing your poop as black as coal in the toilet bowl can understandably be quite a shock. Here are some of the non-life-threatening reasons this could happen.
Sometimes, we cough after drinking water; there's nothing especially worrisome about this. But if it starts to happen frequently, it's time to look closer.
Some drugs, including this common prescription medication, can trigger allergy-like reactions in the body - such as sneezing - even if a person is not allergic.
One of the often overlooked aspects of heart failure is its link to sleepiness. We'll explain the signs that your sleepiness could be related to your heart.
Sometimes the pain in your shoulder might not originate in the shoulder itself but from somewhere else in your body. We'll explain what that could mean.
It's essential to pay attention to phantom smells. They may indicate an underlying health concern requiring medical attention. We explain what you need to know.
Wanting to pee right after drinking a glass of water is not pleasant, especially if you don't have a toilet nearby. But what is it that causes this to happen?
If you're one of those people whose nose stings before they begin shedding some tears, you might be wondering why this occurs. We'll explain what it could mean.
If your eyes itch after you get out of the shower, you might be thinking that it's one of the products you are using. However, it could mean something else.
The presence of a metallic taste on your lips or in your mouth can mean quite a few things. Usually, though, this is because of the iron in your blood.
If you've woke up with a racing heart, you may be wondering whether it's cause for concern. We'll explain what it means and when you might need to see a doctor.
Odds are, you've probably experienced a bout of hiccups before and likely will again. But, is it actually possible that you could die from having hiccups?
Normally when you're asleep your breathing slows. So, if you breathe fast while sleeping it could indicate that you have certain health conditions like these.
We can help you learn more about your weight loss-related skin itch by diving into the distinct symptoms. We'll also examine at-home treatments you can try.
If you're having difficulty breathing, you might think that your heart or lungs are blame. However, there is one reason that you may not have considered.
Research has shown that having sexy thoughts may prompt some to let out an involuntary ah-choo! But what does it mean if you sneeze when thinking about sex?