It's normal to take a peek into your toilet bowl after pooping, every once in a while. But when you notice narrow poop, should you be worried about it?
There's a big difference between not wanting to fart and not being able to fart. Let's see when an inability to pass gas may be a serious warning sign.
It's normal to feel that your pee is a little warm, especially if you're collecting a sample. But what does it mean when your urine gets a bit too hot?
Painful urination can be a sign of many things going on in your body. Unfortunately, in some cases, it can be an indicator that you might have bladder cancer.
Our bodily functions typically clue us in on what's going on inside our bodies. As it turns out, your urination habits may give hints about your heart health.
Sometimes, our poop can tell us more about our health than we may initially realize. That's why if you're a man, you should never ignore these symptoms.
A twitching muscle can mean any number of things, but there are more serious reasons for twitching muscles, like kidney disease. These are signs to look for.
You might think that men not being able to hold in their pee is related to old age, and this is partly right. Here's what else it can mean about your health.
An involuntary event that everyone experiences, it's normal to feel a muscle spasm every once in a while. But when can it be a sign of a serious health concern?
While we cannot predict the exact moment a person will die, there may be signs that a loved one may soon depart. These can emerge as early as 40 days before.
Aside from allowing us to see, our eyes can also clue us in on what may be wrong with our bodies. That includes exhibiting symptoms of certain types of cancer.
If you're a man who has ever experienced the dreaded "after-dribble" when you pee, it may be more than just an annoyance. It can be a symptom of something else.
If you're a man who is experiencing back pain, don't be quick to dismiss it as just another sign of aging. It may actually be a symptom of prostate cancer.
The internet is full of recommendations about what steam showers can do for you, including soothing a sore throat. We tested it out and here's what we found.
Have you ever had a bad heacache that made you think you have a brain tumor? Brain tumors are rare, but there are tell-tale signs that you should see a doctor.
Tiger Woods' 2024 season got off to a rough start this week when he began experiencing back spasms on the golf course. He pushed on through, but was it safe?
It's not unheard of to feel back pain every now and then, especially as people grow older. But when does it start becoming a hint of a more serious problem?
Frequent urination can happen for a variety of reasons. As it turns out, it can also be an indicator that you'll be experiencing this medical condition soon.
It's not unusual to occasionally feel stomach pain, especially after a big meal or strenuous activity. But when is stomach pain a sign of a heart attack?
According to statistics, stomach cancer is among the most lethal variations of the disease. Thus, it's important to be familiar with its less obvious symptoms.