Sleeping on your side is one of the more recommended sleep positions by experts. But not all side sleepers are guaranteed a perfect, pain-free night of sleep.
REM sleep is crucial to your overall health and plays an important role in brain function and development, but how? And what even is this unique phase of sleep?
Being fully awake without being able to move may sound like the beginning of a horror film, but unfortunately, this horrifying sensation happens in reality.
Melatonin can affect your REM cycle, which is when you are most likely to have vivid dreams. Because of this, you might want to experiment with dosage.
There's nothing better than the warmth of a blanket after a long day. But what happens to our bodies when we fall asleep without one? We shiver at the thought!
Dealing with acid reflux is tough enough during the day. Fortunately, you can lessen symptoms of the condition by changing the position that you sleep in.
Sleeping with your cell phone at night is a common habit. But between the blue light from the screen, and the constant stimulation, is it safe to sleep with?
If you struggle to get to sleep, the light in your room could be to blame. Blackout curtains can impact your ability to sleep soundly through the night.
A common sleeping habit many people have is sleeping under a blanket. But why do we do this and how can we continue to sleep with a blanket even when it's hot?
Do you lie in bed, eyelids heavy, clasping your phone, and swiping through the new gadgets on Amazon? There's a chance you have Revenge Bedtime Procrastination.