When we hit our heads on that pillow, we're doing more than just getting a good night's rest. In fact, for athletes, sleep improves their muscle growth.
In addition to leaving us lethargic and short on energy, research shows that a lack of sleep can negatively impact our gut health. Can it exacerbate IBS?
Lucid dreaming is a state in which we are actively aware that we're in the midst of a dream. Some develop the ability to control the content of their dreams.
Waking up from a bad dream is certainly frightening in the moment, but health experts say that nightmares can also have more long-lasting effects on our health.
If you're asleep once your head hits the pillow, the culprit may be a sleep disorder or excessive sleepiness, which may be linked to other health conditions.
If you're having trouble sleeping, one tip is to only use your bed for sleep and sex, which may lead you to wonder: is there a link between sex and sleep?
Sleep texting is a type of parasomnia that involves sending or replying to a text message while you're asleep. You may be wondering: Is this actually possible?
Your body and brain perform numerous functions throughout sleep, so any interference -- such as tossing and turning -- can leave you feeling wiped out.
Although we might go to bed at the same time, we might feel more tired on some mornings compared to others. Many factors can affect the quality of our sleep.
Nightmares can be a terrifying experience for anyone of any age, and as it turns out, people often begin to experience more nightmares as they get older.
Drinking enough water is vital for your health and well-being, but you should try to finish your daily water intake a few hours before going to bed. Here's why.
Those with sleep apnea experience on-and-off obstruction of their airways as they sleep. Risk factors include hormone fluctuations or having oversized tonsils.
Deep sleep can improve your alertness, memory, physical abilities, and even problem-solving and thinking skills. It can also improve your immune system.
Snoring can lessen our quality of sleep, hindering our ability to function the following day. Here is the sleeping position to avoid to prevent snoring.
Are you a night owl who struggles with groggy mornings? There are some things you can do that will help. Here's how to wake yourself up in the morning.
If you've laid awake at night fretting over the uncertainty of years to come, you know how a buzzing mind can impact your quality of sleep. Can journaling help?