One anti-aging product after another boasts about removing years from your face with one tiny bottle. But do the anti-aging vitamins in the product really work?
"Don't let the bed bugs bite" is great advice, but it may be easier said than done. Can you identify these troublesome bites, and do you know how to treat them?
Silicones have made their way into the list of possibly unsafe ingredients. But while some want to boycott the chemical, others don't want to give up its perks.
For those with eczema, keeping the skin stays moisturized is key. You should hydrate right after bathing for best results. But which is better, bath or shower?
If your lips are so chapped they need constant attention, your lip balm might be making them worse. Here's how to moisturize lips without using ChapStick.
From time to time, you may scrape yourself and cause bleeding. Now if it were to happen on a raised mole, there are some recommendations that could help.
People with oily skin are especially likely to get blackheads. They can show up almost anywhere on the body, but facial blackheads can be the most noticeable.
Your diet can have a profound effect on your skin health. Health Digest sat down with a leading skincare doctor to learn what foods to avoid for healthy skin.
Antidepressants can have an unexpected impact on the skin. While skin-related side effects may be a burden in some cases, they can also be a pleasant surprise.
Moles can have an irregular shape or even have a scab or crusty covering. So, when performing a skin check, when should you start sounding the alarm bells?
After an injury, wounds over time are likely to form a scar. In fact, some may end up with what is known as a hypertrophic scar and it may look a bit different.
The skin plays an important part in protecting the body, but it also needs its own protection. Here's why balanced skin pH plays such an important role.
If you have rosacea, the condition might cause distress and disrupt your social relationships. However, you can take various measures to prevent flare-ups.
Shingles is marked by a painful rash that occurs due to the same virus that causes chickenpox. But can you get shingles more than once? Read on to find out.
Acne symptoms may include cystic lesions, whiteheads, pimples, nodules, and small red tender bumps. Some of these symptoms are mild, while others are severe.
As you age, your body stops producing as much collagen as it once did. Read on to find out what to do when your body's collagen levels start decreasing.
It's important to take good care of your feet by regularly inspecting them. Spots on the bottom of your feet and pain could indicate a medical condition.