When it comes to borrowing your partner's razor, even if it's just for a quick swipe over a stray patch of hair, you'll want to think twice before doing so.
Reddening palms may seem a little strange, but you may not think twice about it. You should, however, because it can be an indicator of some serious conditions.
Polyester is one of the most popular and most widely used synthetic fabrics in the industry. Surprisingly, it can cause more than just an irritating itch.
The American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) reports that up to 50 million Americans are affected by acne each year. Luckily, there are ways to combat it.
A warm oatmeal bath can soothe and nourish skin, but they aren't made with regular rolled oats. What are they made of and what are their health benefits?
While you're probably familiar with the common side effects of stress, like anxiety and insomnia, you may not know that stress can cause issues with your skin.
Witch hazel can be used to cleanse the skin and treat certain skin conditions. However, it's not for everyone and there are side effects to be aware of.
Too much time spent in the sun and now you're sunburnt. While it's tempting to pick at flaking skin, dermatologists are united in their message: don't do it.
Whether large or small, different sized bumps can emerge around the elbows. From rashes to health conditions, elbow bumps can be caused by a number of things.
Hydrogen peroxide can be detrimental to your skin if overused. It can be harsh on sensitive skin, drying it out and causing further irritation to acne.
Making healthy food choices to benefit your skin likewise means leaving less healthy options behind. Here are some of foods to consider eating and avoiding.
As much as we all love a bright sunny day, our skin isn't as happy when we spend too long under the rays. Thankfully, a popular houseplant can treat mild burns.
Want to know what happens to your face when you rock makeup every single day? Read on -- and maybe think twice before your slather your face with foundation.
There are tons of beauty hacks out there. One that is well-known for keeping your makeup flawless is using hair spray on your face to "set" your makeup.
Vitamin E is known for boosting immunity and lowering some kinds of heart disease. It also has antioxidant properties and the ability to fight free radicals.
Before you wash your hands and play "Dr. Pimple Popper," think twice before you try and pop a pimple on a part of your face known as "the triangle of death."
Eczema is a group of seven different skin conditions that affect more than 31 million Americans and can come on at any age, usually causing dry, itchy skin.
You've likely noticed that some people have dimples while others don't. They tend to occur in families, which has led to theories that they are hereditary.
Have you ever wished you could trade in your fingernails for the strength and pizzazz of superhero-like claws or talons? Learn the history of our nails.
Over the years, Kim Kardashian has shared bits of her experience with psoriasis with the public. Let's take a look into her long history with the disease.