Acne often pops up at the most inopportune time, so when it comes to treatment, we look for an easy fix. Could Vicks be the answer to all potential zits?
Skin tags are a common condition in which harmless, painless growths appear on the skin. But what causes them and can they develop in areas like the lips?
Collagen is an important part of skin and bone health, but it deteriorates as we age. Discover the truth about how a collagen diet can help promote wellness.
What you need to know about how long it takes vitamin c serum to start working to mitigate sun damage and decrease the appearance of dark spots and wrinkles.
While the best products will vary greatly between people based on their skin type and budget, there are a few things that no one should use on their skin.
When deciding between bar soap and body wash, there are many options to choose from. Read on to find out which option is best for getting squeaky clean.
While getting Botox injections is fairly simple, there are some things you should know before running to your nearest plastic surgeon or dermatologist.
Plastic surgeon Dr. Chip Cole shared what you should and shouldn't do after an UltraClear™ laser treatment to avoid side effects and see the best results.
Popping a cold sore may be one of the worst actions you can take. Having a cold sore isn't fun, but popping it can make the experience even worse. Here's why.
The UltraClear™ laser technology is making waves in the anti-aging world. Oculofacial surgeon Dr. Chip Cole explained what you should expect from a treatment.
How you manicure your pubic hair is a matter of personal taste. If you're considering getting a Brazilian wax and want to learn more, continue reading.
Oculofacial plastic surgeon Dr. Chip Cole explained why the UltraClear™ laser treatment is changing the anti-aging game and what people can expect from it.
The average human is made up of 60% water. It's essential for your body to function properly, but did you know that some people have a skin allergy to water?