The idea of men losing their sex drive over time is one that has been reinforced in pop culture. But is there a specific age when this starts to happen?
Garlic is an herb with many health benefits, including lowering cholesterol. For men, garlic may offer more benefits yet, especially with their sex life.
Seeing blood coming out of you after sexual intercourse can understandably be quite a shock. But there are a number of possible explanations behind this.
One out of every 4 men has low testosterone. Given that diet can affect testosterone, we'll explore how eating peanut butter might affect this hormone.
A good sex life is made up of communication, foreplay, and experimentation. Some say yoga poses like this one are natural ways to boost your sex life too.
Sex does more than just make you feel good in the moment. When you go without sex, it may even influence your risk for early death. Here's what we know.
Poop happens, or it should, pretty regularly. But what happens to your prostate if you don't poop every day? This is how constipation can affect your prostate.
If you're a man, then you may sometimes find yourself unable to pee after sex. Here's why that happens and also when not being able to pee might be a problem.
The thought of wiping after peeing might not cross the minds of many men after they use the bathroom. But avoiding this can have unexpected consequences.
Keeping the prostrate healthy should be high on every man's priority list. One of the ways to do this is by drinking enough water daily. But how much, exactly?
Is there really an age where you'll experience the best sex of your life? Surprisingly, recent research points to "yes" -- and the answer is rather unexpected.
The number of prostate cancer cases has grown. Eating one particular fruit group, however, may offer some degree of protection against prostate cancer.
While erectile dysfunction is a fairly common ailment among men in the United States, many prefer to leave it untreated. But this can have serious consequences.
When you're engaging in sexual activity, emotions typically tend to take center stage. Interestingly, having sex with your partner affects your muscles, too.
As men grow older, their prostate glands tend to increase in size. There's much talk about how supplements can help with this issue, but what does research say?
Research suggests that sleeping in the nude can actually affect your sexual health in a significant way. Aside from what you're probably thinking of, that is.
Having high levels of cholesterol has been linked to a slew of health conditions. But research suggests that this may also have an effect on a man's sex life.
According to recent research, consuming chocolate can actually have a surprising impact on a man's sex life. But are some kinds of chocolate better than others?
It's not surprising to have a "ritual" or two before you have sex with your partner. But there's one that can be surprisingly dangerous if done incorrectly.
A number of things can happen to your body if you decide to stop engaging in sexual intercourse. Interestingly, this choice can also affect your blood pressure.
Men looking to improve their sex lives may want to eat more watermelon. Scientists say there are several ways it can help improve men's sexual function.
There are two common medications that men might use as they grow older. However, they should think twice about taking them together since it could be risky.
Some men have experienced seeing their urine stream split into two, which can be an uncomfortably messy situation. But what causes split-stream pee to happen?
There's one tasty and popular protein that can actually help to enhance your sex life. It's great to incorporate into a diet and even better on a date night.