It's vital to take birth control pills around the same time, but what if that time doesn't work for you anymore, and you want to change the time you take them?
Peanut allergies are one of the most common allergies among children. Therefore, many wonder if eating peanuts during pregnancy can prevent its development.
Most people are familiar with typical pregnancy symptoms such as morning sickness and exhaustion. Still, other symptoms may not be discussed as openly.
Silencia Cox of Motherlove wants you to know that you're not alone. She told Health Digest about how breastfeeding mothers can seek the help they need.
Getting your tubes tied is an effective form of birth control, but it isn't completely fail-safe. Learn more about getting pregnant after a tubal ligation.
Do you look for cues that your period is about to start based on whether or not you have vaginal discharge? Learn what's normal at which phase of your cycle.
More recent studies show that hormone replacement therapy (HRT) can be beneficial in a number of ways. However, some healthcare professionals are still wary.
While most beauty products on the market can be used while pregnant, some soon-to-be moms still wonder if using vitamin C is safe from potential birth defects.
Getting pregnant can still be fun while planning your window. Dr. Kate Balestrieri told Health Digest how to keep things spicy while scheduling conception.
New research confirms racial discrimination is an ongoing issue for maternal health in America. Not only does it affect the mother's health, but the baby's too.
Menstruation brings a host of unpleasant symptoms, but some are more unexpected than others. Learn the unusual symptoms that might be related to your cycle.
There is no surefire way to prevent developing preeclampsia. However, there may be measures to lower the risk for some people. Here's what you need to know.