If you're pregnant, you may be thinking about a fresh coat of paint for that nursery. As a result, some concerns regarding the paint fumes may begin to linger.
As awkward as it may feel to discuss your sexual history with your doctor, here's why it's important to always be honest about what's going on in the bedroom.
Gestational diabetes is a condition that occurs during pregnancy. Now, a new study suggests it can lead to an increased risk of type 2 diabetes later on.
Heartburn is uncomfortable and pregnant women seeking relief may consider taking Tums. But it's always best to do a little digging to check if it's safe.
The majority of Americans look to energy drinks like Red Bull to provide a caffeine boost during their day. But if you're pregnant, is it safe to consume them?
If women don't get period cramps, we may think they are lucky, but is not having cramps good for your health or could it be a sign that something is amiss?
Most women expect to feel nauseous and gain some weight during pregnancy, but few are prepared to deal with constipation, hemorrhoids, and other related issues.
It's reasonable to want to make sure your ED medication is working the best it can. These are some things you can do to make sure ED drugs work better.
Estrogen has several effects on the body, and there are various reasons individuals take estrogen as a medication. It can be used for a number of conditions.
Pregnant people might also experience digestive issues such as constipation, vomiting, or diarrhea. Here's how to treat stomach upset safely while pregnant.
The overwhelming majority of pregnancy-related deaths in the U.S. could have been prevented. Now experts elaborate on what changes can be made for the future.
Breakthrough bleeding is bleeding experienced outside of a woman's normal period. Discover when you should consider seeing your doctor if it's happening to you.
The first trimester of pregnancy is counted from the first day of your last period to the end of week 13. Here's what you can expect during this 3-month period.
Skin tags can happen to anyone, particularly when a lot of skin friction occurs. However, pregnancy can bring about hormonal changes that can also lead to them.
If you're pregnant, you may worry about how COVID-19 could affect your health. Dr. Mike Blaivas of Anavasi Diagnostics explains all of the potential risks.