While combination pills are a common choice, they may not be a good choice for everyone. Here's what you should know about progestin-only and combination pills.
Spotting can be a worrying development, particularly if your period isn't due for a while. But, funnily enough, it can also be an early symptom of pregnancy.
The prenatal period is an incredible time when your baby quite literally takes form. With that in mind, is it safe to drink occasionally during pregnancy?
When it comes to fertility treatments there can be lots of confusing terminologies, such as in vitro versus in vivo. Here's what to know about the differences.
The experience of having a rainbow baby can take an emotional rollercoaster on you physically and mentally. Therefore, it's best to be aware of what it is.
Pregnancy brings with it radical transformations, both in your life and in your body. Read on to find out how your bones may be forever changed after pregnancy.
Pregnancy is a time when weight gain is inevitable. However, if you're looking to drop a few pounds, there are things to consider before going on any diet.
There comes a time when you don't want your menstrual cycle interfering with your life. There are some natural remedies to delay your period, but do they work?
Out of all STIs, chlamydia and gonorrhea are two of the most common. While they're often associated with each other, they're two entirely different infections.
On December 1, 2022, the Biden administration unveiled a plan that aims to put an end to HIV/AIDS for good. Here's what you should know about the plan.
Pregnancy is an exciting time for many. And one of the most exciting events is hearing your baby's heartbeat for the first time. So when does that happen?
Though often viewed as the safer sex practice, oral sex can pose a number of risks when proper precautions are not taken -- and may even be linked to cancer.
If your due date came and went, you may be considering some different tactics to help move labor along. You can try the following routines to help induce labor.
TSS is a rare but fatal condition caused by certain bacterial infections making it important to change your tampon often. Is it safe to sleep with a tampon?
The ketogenic diet has become increasingly popular in recent years, but it isn't for everyone. Learn whether the keto diet can mess with your menstrual cycle.
Period blood clots are small lumps of blood and tissue that pass through the uterus during your menstrual cycle. Here's when they're a cause for concern.