Having a fear of needles is nothing to be embarrassed about, as it's a common predicament. But there are ways you can fight it during your next doctor's visit.
You're giving out your precious nutrients during a blood draw. So, it's important to eat specific foods like these to help replenish your red blood cell supply.
Losing an organ might sound like a guaranteed fatal experience. But as it turns out, there are a few organs that you can safely live without. Keep reading.
Because you're remaining still for a long time, comfy clothes are a must when it comes to an MRI. But here's why you may want to rule out yoga clothes.
If you're someone whose veins are notoriously tricky to find when getting blood drawn, you may be wondering what the deal is. We explain what's going on.
There are two types of colonics that may be performed: open and closed-system. Here's how they are different and how this might affect which you choose.
After a colonoscopy, you'll need to follow a diet that is easy on your digestive system and allows the intestines to recover. Here are some recommendations.
Mammograms and pap smears are screening tests recommended for every woman, but are they still necessary after menopause? An expert fills us in on the answer.
Visiting a doctor regularly can help you catch potential health problems early. Add these screenings and exams to your routine once you reach your 30s.
While 2D mammograms are the current standard of care in detecting breast cancer, they may be replaced by 3D mammograms in the future. Here's what research says.
Many people may elect to get an epidural during childbirth, but what happens if it only provides pain relief on one side of the body? Read on to learn more.
Fans of colonics tout them as a way to rid the body of toxins and tackle various health issues, but they can cause some undesired side effects for your gut.