Pregnancy can feel like a long journey with many ups and downs. And it can feel particularly troublesome when a symptom like spotting or bleeding comes up.
A type of fertility procedure, IUI allows sperm to bypass the cervix and get placed directly in the uterus and closer to the egg it needs to fertilize.
If you have hypertension, it may impact what birth control methods you can use. Here are the safest birth control options for those with high blood pressure.
For pregnant moms who have hit the 40-week mark, there can be an urge to get things moving by naturally inducing labor with castor oil. But is it safe?
But how early in your pregnancy can you experience symptoms? And can you detect them as soon as the first week of pregnancy? The answer may surprise you.
While pregnant, it's crucial to maintain a well-balanced diet to facilitate the proper growth of your baby. In fact, many experts recommend including asparagus.
Stillbirth is a devastating occurrence for any expecting parent. Here are the odds of it actually happening and how you can reduce your risk of it happening.
Prenatal vitamins are supplements specifically formulated to safely deliver key nutrients to pregnant people. Here's how to choose the best one for you.
It's no surprise that some pregnant women might want to take zinc supplements, but is it safe to do so? Here's what you should know about zinc and pregnancy.
We have an old wives' tale that sex can be predicted by the way the pregnant person carries the baby. If you're wondering if this is true, we have an answer.
There are several symptoms that women might have while pregnant. These are among the reasons you might be experiencing pain in your uterus early in pregnancy.
The chances of superfetation are so low that every known case of it is basically considered a medical miracle, but what is it, exactly? Here's what to know.
Gestational diabetes is a serious condition that can lead to other health conditions. Therefore, many look to know the reason for the initial development.
Whether your concern is reliability or privacy, period tracking apps aren't for everyone. Here's how to track your ovulation without apps or predictor kits.
If you've recently discovered you're pregnant, you may wonder if there are any early signs that you're carrying two or more. Read on for what you should know.
Nearly a quarter of women are unaware that they're pregnant until the seven-week mark or after. Of these cases, cryptic pregnancies are the most extreme.
The last few months of your pregnancy are vital, as your body gears up for giving birth. Here's what you can expect during your third trimester of pregnancy.
There are plenty of typical symptoms of pregnancy, but then there are the symptoms you might not expect, like dry eyes. How does pregnancy affect your eyes?
It's safe to say that most women take a number of precautions when pregnant, including staying safe when traveling. After all, there are a few tips to consider.
Misinformation can be dangerous. There's a great deal of myth surrounding miscarriage, and we bust up five of the biggest myths -- for your peace of mind.
It can be a bit scary learning that your baby is breached before labor. Luckily, there are simple tasks you can do so the baby can be ready for safe delivery.