The ketogenic diet has become increasingly popular in recent years, but it isn't for everyone. Learn whether the keto diet can mess with your menstrual cycle.
Researchers have been turning to food to try and combat obesity. Here's what you need to know about culinary medicine and its potential effects on obesity.
Slippery elm is an herbal supplement that may potentially be helpful with certain health conditions. These are some of slippery elm's possible health benefits.
Eating whole foods is important for our health, but why can't we just use supplements for our nutrients? Discover which is better between food or supplements.
Many women know about the importance of taking prenatal vitamins while pregnant, but what makes them so effective, and what happens if you go without them?
Whatever the reason, choosing a vegetarian lifestyle can seem overwhelming -- but it doesn't have to be. Here's what you need to know before you get started.
Incorporating cordyceps mushrooms into your diet can be beneficial to your health. In fact, there are six science-backed reasons why they should be included.
You may never have heard of konjac, but it's considered a healthy food and touted for various nutritional benefits. Particularly this one main benefit.
If you're constantly having an intense craving for a particular food, various factors can be at play. This is what it means if you are craving chicken.
Like any fast food chain, Chick-fil-A has a set of fatty options on the menu. However, there is one food item with a high-fat content that might surprise you.
For some with medical conditions or medication requirements, not having enough vitamin K can be a common problem. Here are some foods rich in the vitamin.
Among the many diets out there, the basic assumption is calories in, calories out. However, it's important to realize not all calories are created equal.
While blackberries contain many health benefits, they may also cause stomach issues. Here are the unexpected reasons blackberries may not agree with you.
While many people follow a low-carb diet, it turns out the risks may outweigh the benefits. Here is the low-carb diet that may increase your risk of diabetes.
Society is no stranger to fake meat. But where do we stand with lab-grown meat? This meat recently got FDA clearance and may soon be an option for consumers.