The lectin-free diet calls for removing all high-lectin foods from one's diet. Learn the possible benefits and risks of taking up the lectin-free diet.
Proponents of the cucumber diet claim you can lose 15 pounds if you follow it for seven to 14 days, but you should read this before starting down that path.
America's appetite for Mexican food is insatiable, but many of these foods contain double if not triple the calories and fat you'd find in many other foods.
You should be getting 14 grams of fiber per 1,000 calories per day, but what happens when you eat too much fiber? These are signs of consuming too much fiber.
Kefir started gaining popularity as a gut-healthy form of dairy several years ago. This is why you should try adding kefir to your diet for its many benefits.
Not sure what to eat on the keto diet? For optimal weight loss and health benefits, you will want to stick to these foods when you're on the ketogenic plan.
The MIND diet is shorthand for the Mediterranean-DASH Diet Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay. This is what you should and shouldn't eat on the MIND diet.
Before we head into our kitchens to zap last night's leftovers, is it possible we are making our dinner less healthy by reheating it in this go-to method?
Blame your parents if you have a sweet tooth. According to one study, your sweet tooth cravings might have been passed down genetically in your family.
For decades, it has been suggested that leaner white meats are healthier than red meats, but new research has people swapping their chicken breasts for chickpeas.