Boxed mac and cheese is a beloved tradition and comfort food, but there may be one ingredient in your boxed mac and cheese that you absolutely don't want.
Sparkling water, also known as carbonated water, has a surprising amount of health benefits. These are the hydrating benefits of sparkling water and its risks.
For thousands of years cinnamon has been said to have significant medicinal purposes and now there are multiple scientific studies to support those claims.
If you're trying to get more protein, it might be tempting to order the biggest tub of whey powder that you can find. This is what's really in whey powder.
When you're reading the label on a vitamin container, you may see the amount of the vitamin that a capsule contains listed as IU rather than milligrams.
How can you know if you're drinking too much alcohol? From impaired decision-making to weight gain, here are some of the signs that can indicate a problem.
People credit bone broth with all sorts of benefits. It's said to be good for your bones, skin, immune system, and gut health. But how much of that is true?
Coffee is a regular part of many of our mornings, but do you know what's really in your morning cup? This is how many calories are really in your coffee.
If you're looking to make a dietary change, you're bound run into information about or the suggestion to try intermittent fasting. Here's what it's all about.
While cinnamon is a delicious spice, it can also have some surprising side effects if you eat too much of it. This is how much cinnamon you should really eat.
If you're one of those people who like to sneak a grape or blueberry at the grocery store before filling your bag, here's another reason why you shouldn't.
Success on the keto diet is entirely possible. It's just a matter of avoiding some big mistakes that everyone tends to make when embarking on the plan.