If you heard about the Warrior Diet and imagined feasting on a large turkey leg from one hand and a fistful of beans in the other, you wouldn't be too far off.
The wheat-free diet trend became popular in 2011 after the book Wheat Belly, written by cardiologist William Davis, M.D., became a national bestseller.
Smoothie routine getting a little boring? With a few extra ingredients, you can quickly and easily ramp up your game, creating a healthier and tastier smoothie.
Spinach is a great source of iron. However, there are a few things to keep in mind before you consume it, whether you're munching on it raw or cooking it.
If you love a good steak or chicken meal but have recently found yourself feeling unwell or somewhat "off" post-feast, you may be suffering from a meat allergy.
The terms "nutritionist" and "dietitian" are often used interchangeably, but depending where you are in the world, they can mean very different things.
If you're going low-carb, you'll want to find out if there are carbohydrates in your favorite beverages. A good place to start is with your morning cup of joe.
There's good news for anyone who misses an old-fashioned glass of chocolate milk -- this childhood treat may have more nutritional benefits than you'd think.
Is it possible to ruin your mood by eating certain foods? It may seem far-fetched, but some foods have been linked to irritability, anxiety, and even mania.
Peaches can be the perfect healthy addition to your favorite summer treat. But the fuzzy skin on a peach can cause a much-debated issue — should you peel it?