Up to 70 percent of the lemon wedges served in restaurants are laden with over 25 different kinds of bacteria, including E. coli, yeast, and human fecal matter.
Tums tablets are a popular way to treat stomach upset. But can you take the remedy if you're drinking alcohol, or is there a hidden reason to avoid it?
When looking for gluten-free food, you can make some pretty good guesses, but some surprising food can have gluten. Soy sauce is a great example of this.
Pescatarianism -- a vegetarian diet that incorporates fish and other seafood as protein sources -- can cause many changes to your body. Here' s a look.
The Ayurvedic diet makes recommendations on what you should eat more (or less) of based on your body type, personality, emotional health, and even the weather.
Whether you've just joined Jenny Craig or are thinking of signing up, you may be curious how the diet stacks up to others. Here's the truth about this program.
According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, supplemental vitamins are not generally recommended for most children (via Healthline). Here's what to know.
Skipping food in favor of simply drinking water isn't likely to lead to lasting weight loss, and it could be dangerous. Here are the risks of the water diet.
You can beat your salt cravings with a little practice and some clever substitutions. If potato chips are always on your mind, try these foods instead.