Have you ever been strolling down the produce aisle and come across a durian? It may look & smell odd, but the "King of Fruits" is packed with health benefits.
Whether you love a good steak or you've been vegan for years, you're probably familiar with recommendations about the amount of red meat you should be eating.
Despite its name, it has nothing to do with alcohol, and it isn't exactly quite like sugar. So, what is the difference between the sugar alcohol and sugar?
Muffins can be an unhealthy, and that's why you need this low-fat whole wheat blueberry muffin recipe that has less sugar and more fiber than the others.
With so much to do and so little time, who doesn't crave more energy? 5-hour Energy drinks are great for a quick buzz. But are the ingredients good for us?
When Americans think of weight loss programs, one of the first that pops to mind is probably Weight Watchers — but how do you know if it will work for you?
Most restrictive diets focus on cutting out one macro or everything but a handful of foods. In the case of the oatmeal diet that one food is, well, oatmeal.
Tap water has a reputation for being less safe than bottled water. Both are regulated by safety standards, but which of the two have more health benefits?
Eating cereal as an every day breakfast is not uncommon. But whether or not this is a healthy morning meal choice depends on what kind of cereal you're eating.
Fruit has developed a bad reputation for weight loss, due its carbohydrate and sugar content. But fruit can actually be your friend in your weight loss journey.
For many, the day simply isn't complete without cracking open a beer to unwind. But downing a cold one every night can have an effect on your body. Here's how.
Mothers-to-be have long heeded their doctors' advice to supplement their diets with folic acid. But the importance of folic acid goes beyond pregnancy health.
While some people view dandelions as weeds, others have found uses for them in the medicine cabinet and the kitchen. Every part of the dandelion has a purpose.
If you're one of the Americans who love dousing their food with hot sauce, there are some unexpected side effects of spicy food you should be aware of.
Behind matcha's green color is a nutritional powerhouse, and swapping your afternoon coffee for a cup of matcha instead may have major health benefits.