Foods may have different effects on your cholesterol. Some are helpful while others might make it worse. Here's how cranberry juice fits into the picture.
Aside from being tasty, sourdough bread is the bread of choice for many due to its purported health benefits. But what would happen if you eat it every day?
Eating kiwi has many nutritional benefits, but what does it do for your cholesterol levels, specifically? An expert spoke to Health Digest to explain the topic.
The nutritional benefits of eggs make them a prime candidate for inclusion in a balanced diet. But does eating eggs every day affect the prostate gland?
Should you have cottage cheese for breakfast? The best way to know is to consider the advantages - and limitations - that cottage cheese brings to the table.
People take fish oil supplements daily for their purported health benefits. However, men in particular might have a good reason to get more omega-3 every day.
There are many kinds of beans you can add to your diet, each with their own nutritional perks. Consider this one if you have hypertension or trouble sleeping.
When it comes to ingredients, smoothies offer a ton of versatility. But one health expert told Health Digest about five ingredients you should absolutely avoid.
Belly fat is notoriously stubborn and the bane of every dieter wanting a slimmer figure. But is choosing the right kind of bread to eat really the answer?
King Charles has some interesting meal-related habits, including eliminating one from his daily schedule. We talked to an expert to learn if that's healthy.
Peanut butter has plenty of health benefits, but if you're trying to eat a whole cup of peanut butter in one sitting, you'll want to wait and read this first.
There are many health benefits to drinking cranberry juice. But as it turns out, there's an important reason why men might want to include it in their diet.
You'll want to avoid certain foods if your cholesterol levels are high. Fortunately, there are alternatives and healthy options for some of your favorites.
Nutritional needs change as men grow old, leaving room for potential deficiencies. When it comes to men over 50, some multivitamins are better than others.
For most people, a glass of milk is the top-of-mind option when it comes to fulfilling their basic calcium needs. But there's a vegetable that can beat it.
As far as breakfast options go, Raisin Bran's no slouch, nutrition-wise. But if you have high blood pressure, you may want to think twice about eating it.
If you have benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), also known as an enlarged prostate gland, you'll want to read this article about the effects of too much salt.
Worried about your high cholesterol levels? There are ways to bring down your cholesterol without medication, such as adding these beverages to your diet.
When women reach menopause, estrogen and progesterone levels begin to drop. As a result, those over 50 should avoid drinking this type of popular beverage.
Food intolerances can prevent us from enjoying certain ingredients or beverages. One lesser-known food intolerance makes eating aged cheeses a bad idea.
While amusing for many, trending social media "challenges" tend to come with risks. Speaking to Health Digest, an expert discusses a potentially dangerous one.