If you were paying attention back in 2005, you may know a bit about bird flu (or avian influenza). Here's everything you need to know about the 2022 strain.
Research shows that teen and young adult cancers result in higher rates of recurrence and mortality. Thus health experts want to prioritize prevention.
The gastrointestinal system contains trillions of microorganisms that aid in digestion and fight harmful bacteria, but how do they impact stroke recovery?
The Epstein-Barr virus, which has infected 95% of people around the globe and is linked to mononucleosis and multiple sclerosis, may soon be on its way out.
Ethan Zohn shares how the game of Survivor has influenced his understanding of the human body's resilience, most of which he parallels to surviving cancer.
An average of 130 million people in the US find themselves in the emergency room for one reason or another. How do race and gender play a role in treatment?
As pharma companies race to release a vaccine for young children, parents say they're not totally on board just yet. Here's where most American parents stand.
If you're considering taking a trip abroad in the near future, it's important to know what to expect in the event that you test positive for COVID-19 overseas.
Though Black men are most likely to be diagnosed with prostate cancer, research shows Black patients receive a life-saving treatment less than white patients.
Brain imaging technology has shown a link between sleep and structural brain changes, particularly in regions responsible for memory and cognitive processing.
Climate change is forcing animals globally to find new places to call home, so there may be a risk that viruses will jump between species, including humans.
Maria Shriver, Alzheimer's advocate and supporter of women's health, talks about the surprising link between neurological disorders and lifestyle factors.
The meaning of microaggression has expanded to include LGBTQ people, women, religious minorities, people with disabilities, and non-Black people of color.