Household mold is notoriously difficult to remove completely, but mold remediation specialist Michael Rubino outlines the best cleaning products and practices.
Can you be asymptomatic yet test positive for the monkeypox virus? Here's what you need to know about whether you can get monkeypox without having any symptoms.
LaTanja Silvester of the New Orleans Resilience Corps explained how community health workers can diminish the gaps in health outcomes for various communities.
Dr. Jay Baruch's book, "Tornado of Life," describes the challenges of the emergency room. Here, he speaks about how patients can advocate for themselves.
Experts have debated which of the COVID-19 strains would have the most number of cases. The results are in for the U.S., and the top strain may surprise you.
To uncover how smoking a cigarette with your morning coffee is affecting your brain, experts did some digging. Turns out, there may be a link between the two.
As it turns out, gender may actually play a role in how well your kidneys function as you get older. Here is what you should know, according to recent research.
Yogmata Keiko Aikawa shared her path to becoming a Siddha Master, how her practice works, and how yoga and meditation can transform your health and mind.
Yohnit Spruch, head of emotional health at Circles, explained the effectiveness of group support and how the app is improving mental health care accessibility.
Research has shown that PFAS can negatively impact our health. But scientists may be one step closer to figuring out how to remove them from our water.
Taking your vitamins benefits you more than you think. A recent study explains how vitamin D supplements may help treat symptoms of clinical depression.
The government is taking new steps to boost kids' mental health by implementing new guidance that will take place at school. Here's what you need to know.
Changes will soon take place regarding vaccine access in the U.S. Here's where you can soon expect to get them, and where you may no longer be able to get them.
Migraines are a common and painful condition for many worldwide. But new research shows our blood may hold powerful clues as to our risk and treatment options.
Pain can be due to ongoing illnesses or an injury. Sometimes, there's no obvious cause. It has to last for at least three months to be classified as chronic.