As newer studies examine cardiac procedures, specific differences in recovery processes and re-admittance in patients point to race as a potential cause.
Without donors, people in need of blood are in trouble. A long overdue change in policy may open doors for more donors, aligning with science, not orientation.
There's a lot of information in sewage that you'd never expect. Learn how testing sewage can help health officials to target and mitigate outbreaks of polio.
Alternative milk seems to be all the rage these days. With a plethora of types and brands to choose from, we set out to know which is the most popular.
Carpal tunnel syndrome can come with plenty of aches and pains. But new research suggests there may soon be a new, low-cost, minimally-invasive way to treat it.
In an exclusive interview with Health Digest, Titania Jordan, Chief Parenting Officer at Bark Technologies shares how social media impacts teen mental health.
A plant-based diet benefits blood pressure, heart health, and weight loss. As it turns out, it may also be linked with a decrease in colorectal cancer in men.
Cold sores can be unpleasant but luckily there are many products available to help bring relief. Here is the most popular cold sore remedy amongst our readers.
The latest COVID-19 variant of concern is XBB, and the number of cases is on the rise. Here's what you need to know and how it compares to other strains.
Climate change affects many different aspects of life, potentially including your health. Discover how experts say climate change may impact your lung health.
Plant food is generally considered a very healthy aspect of our diets. Now new research is highlighting its ability to potentially fight cognitive decline.
As we get further from the onset of the pandemic, scientists gather data revealing that initial vaccinations may not afford sufficient protection from dying.
Since the COVID-19 pandemic, rates of measles vaccination in children have fallen significantly. Learn why experts say more prevention is needed post-pandemic.
On top of living with IBS, you also have to think about the stress that comes with the holiday season. Luckily, there are tips that could help manage symptoms.
In an exclusive Health Digest survey, we asked people to determine what preferred brand of antacid most reach for when experiencing heartburn or indigestion.